Sunday, December 12, 2010

secrets ♥


12th December 2010 - back for a moment

it's been a month since my last post..
been busying with college courseworks thingy..
assignments,mid-term test and etc..
finally,it's all over..
i have a few days of rest before i start to prepare for the upcoming final exams which is 3 weeks away from now..
i barely can survive the mid-term test..
how bout my final exam den?
im real dead this time if im still on my last minute work..
but then,for now..i must relax as much as possible..
probably for 3 more days maybe..
as the coming days will be very harsh for me..
i can ensure that i will have sleepless night, swinging moods,and loss of appetite..
and that will lead me to be loss of weight as well..
im freaking thin already,and yet i will be even thinner this time..
nevermind,im already used to it...not the 1st time either..
i thought that i will have more to share on my blog this time..
but actually nothing much to share..
im afraid to bored the readers if i share bout my daily activities..
guess i'll just keep it myself..
well...that's all that i could share...
see ya,peeps... :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

12th November - spend it or save it?

i've got some but not much cash in my hand now..
although i've been thinking to save it,
but my minds keep planning how to spend it..
i've think of alot of ways to spend it which is
buy new handphones,
learn dj-ing,
shop it all,
or maybe,
spend it with my love one..<3
doing all these,
will just burn my cash in 3 months time...
so,i've thinking of way to "invest" it..
not the way that invest to earn interest or something..
is that invest on some things that can be learn...
some,sort of art,skills and maybe things that can help in future career?
so,the best investment that can be made is by invest on something that is in my field and interest...
being a DJ,
is wat i always dream for..
i wanna put my hands on the equipments so badly..
but,i really need to think in more detail and deep consideration about tis..

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

9th November - day to be remembered


Saturday, October 30, 2010

30th October 2010



Tuesday, October 19, 2010



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

13th October - struggling for nothing

last week, i get to know my results for my exam..
i may looked calm and no worries a day before that..
but im actually very worried..
i didn't take my nap during the noon and play badminton during the night..
trying to make myself tired and try not to think about it..
that night,i get to sleep early..
first thing early in the morning,i went to college an hour earlier..
as there were transportation problem,i went out earlier..
went to library and saw few peoples checking their results..
and some of them even scream at the library..
i watched their happy faces,at the same time im worrying myself as well..
i think of checking my results after my class..
but i've decided to check it earlier...
once i see my result,i just couldn't accept it..
i thought that it was just a dream,and i wish to wake up quickly..
as it's really a nightmare..but then,i found that im in the reality...
the nightmares is hunting me down again..
my result is really unacceptable,it's the worst result i ever had in my life..
everyone do have limit in whatever thing they matter in terms of smart and stupidity..
i do have my limit of stupidity,but this result im really beyond my limit..
i couldn't react,speak nor eat right after i see that result..
it's almost the same result that im having last year..terrible..
but i manage to bring it up my result last year during my semester 2 examination..but it's really difficult to do so..
now,i have to do it all over again..much more effort to put in now..
i can't afford for another result like tis again..
i always thought that my result is improving all these time..
but now it seems like im still me..i wont improve after all..
alot of my friends also unsatisfied with their results..
i wish i can comfort them,but i not better than them..
right after that day,i felt that i no longer have interest to continue my studies..
i really do put alot of effort on this time exam..months of sleepless night..
ended up with bullshit alphabets..
i always thought long as i do try my best and hardworking,then i might get good results..but now i seriously doubt it..
im really struggling right achieve something that is unachievable..
i just wished that i could back to the past..
the past that i mean wasn't just back to few years ago,
but the past i mean is that right before i was borned..
i wish to stop my parents from bringing me to this world..

Friday, September 17, 2010

17th September 2010 - the breaks

it has already been 3 weeks and almost 4 i didnt have internet connection. Ever since im having my final exam,i've been disconnected from the world of internet. There is no facebook,msn and blog for me for quite a long time. Till now,im still disconnected. It's now the semester break and it's my time to relax. Unfortunately, im already bored with it since the 2nd day of the semester break. But there's nothing forever in life. I knew that god wouldn't let me bored for the semester break.

Not just long ago,i've been to penang trip with bunch of college mates. It was our 1st and successful outing since we've been mates for a year. We've been planning tis trip right before the final exam starts. During our final exam,we do talk about the schedule for the penang trip and that makes some of us quite excited and couldn't concentrate on our papers that we're having =D

While we're on penang, we're totally getting ourselves crazy there. We consist of a group of 12 members including me. Imagine tat amount of people walked together down the streets of penang and beautiful beach of batu feringgi. Not just that,we even conquered half of a bus. We make tonnes of noises and havoc happens everywhere wherever we are. We joke around,gossip around and we're absolutely blast with laughters everytime. Everything happens smoothly while we're at there. No problem at all. Accomodation is not a problem to us,sleeping in a room with another 11 people is definitely not a problem =D.

After the penang trip,right after i landed on the city of KL,there's another plan for me. Been planning for clubbing with bunch of friends that night. That night was fun as that's the place where i release the final part of my stress. Been drinking alot,but not much that night. But still,didnt get drunk..i guess i really can hold my liquor..=P

But,ever since that night..there's not much plan for me..been watching for alot of old dramas and movies for all these time. Few days ago, i finally could online using my phone. Im now even blogging with handphones. I love my handphone =P

That's all i could blog,bye~

Monday, August 23, 2010

23rd August - 36 hours still counting

yea,broke the record..
havent sleep for 36 hours..
tat's me when it's final exam..
think u know me well?
think again..
im friggin tired..
my head is heavy,
full of formulae,
and so on...
i don't have much time to think of others right now..
is time for me to being selfish for once..
please think of me...
wan fuck me or wat,
go ahead...
but fuck me after i release all the burden,
if u fuck me at these time,
u will be fucked back upside down...
sorry to say..
peace! ._.v

im now studying,
more concentration this time..
had kopi o ice when im drinking with my frens juz now,
but i guess, that doesnt help alot..
after back from drinking,
bath for a very long time,
sitting down under the shower,
bathing is the only time i can really think..
besides,i've view several pictures of my bro frens that is studying in UK,
i envy them,
they started to travel around the world,
and after their final exam ends,
there are going on an europe trip..
i seriously do envy them..
especially watching them stepping on the green field and clear blue sky of Scotland,
i do wish to visit those places also,
not say that i would't have the chance to do so,
i do have the chance,
but i must work harder,
not in the point of working harder to earn money to go that places,
the point im talking about is studying hard and grab the opportunity to study abroad..
i seriously do hope everything goes well for me at Tarc..
so that i can study abroad with my college mates at UK
and together we travel around the world,
that's my target,
it's not impossible,but hard to achieve..
so,here am i..
studying hard to achieve it..
listen to the chinese songs,
and doing revision of the PYQ,
that's my style of study,
at the past,
it's been a long time i didn't tune up to the chinese song,
till today...
i didnt sleep for 36 hours and more,
and it's still counting..
tick tock tick tock....
blogged too much recently,
izit because im too emo?
or maybe a better words to say,
i have alot of problems to be share?
well,who cares..
i die,my problem...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

22th August - demi-zombie?

it's my first time to blog early in the morning..
it's already not my 1st time to be around at tis time,
i've been doing this for a week,
staying up late at night,
till the morning..
if im lucky,i can sleep from morning till the noon..
if im not lucky,i can stay awake for at least 36 hours..
if im in between, i can sleep for at least 2 hours..
that's me for the past 1 week..=D
today,im slightly different..
i thought that i can sleep till today morning,
but i can just sleep for 1 and half hour only..
slept at 5,and woke up at
i have a huge eye bag..
and im walking like a zombie..
doesn't have appetite to eat,
but i feel thirsty everytime..
i guess im losing my weight again...=/
another 3 more days will be the beginning of final exam..
everyone are stressing,so do i...
was hoping to slower down the time so that i can have more time to study,
and hoping the time passes faster,so that the exam ends quickly..

Thursday, August 19, 2010

19th August - inception?

while i'm studying
out of sudden,i reminded that i promised someone to write bout wat i dreamt yesterday
i can say that,it's my 1st time to have such dream...
i have such dream,is maybe because of im too tired recently..
ok,i'll try to write something not everyone will fully memorize the dream they had before..
unless they often dream about it..

while i was sleeping yesterday,
i had a dream that it's set at a classroom of my secondary school
in the dream,im at the pendidikan moral class..
not much student around...
but at the time,i was sleeping peacefully at the classroom
i still remember i sat at the front row,
while teacher doesnt really pay attention at me, i continue sleep peacefully..
as im sleeping that time(inside the dream), i had a dream inside that dream..
tat means i entered the 2nd stage of the dream..
inside the 2nd stage dream, i wasnt too clear wat is going on...
but all i really remember is,
im sitting at the exam hall..
i looked around..
students were answering the question,
while the teacher is patrolling..
i looked at the exam paper,
and im in total blank...
suddenly,i woke up and im back to the 1st stage of dream..
and at the 1st stage of dream,im finding someone at the classroom..
while im finding for that someone,i felt strange..
as the person that im looking for is a friend from college,
and im still at the secondary school..
that means,i was looking for someone that i doesnt know at all...
den,i woke up...and im at the reality world...LOL!

messy dream,wtf is that...==

Monday, August 16, 2010

16th August - wake up!

this will be my last weekends to play/sleep/dreaming/relax..
i gotta serious with my studies already..
the final exam is just few days away,
i still have time to study for it..
i must get serious with it..
no more jokes,
no more fooling around,
and putting all my efforts in my studies..
im not sure whether i can do it,
but all i know is i MUST do it,
i must NOT fail...
i won't fail myself again,never!
is time to get crazy again with the notes and books,
there is no more day and night for me,
my life will be very messy for following 2 weeks...
let's see wat can i do,
and of course,wish me luck please...
i dun wanna die in my room..
not with my notes..

Saturday, August 14, 2010

14th August - do it or leave it...

i started to have sleepless night ever since i know that i have to repeat a subject on this semester,
i wouldn't say im too sad nor happy,
as i know i would fail,
and i let myself to think in another point of view,
it wasn't a very bad news for me anyway,
as the exam timetable is very packed,
barely have a chance to breathe,
since i dun have to sit for a subject in the final exam,
that makes me have more time to study for other subjects,
that's the advantage,while the disadvantage of repeating a subject is
i have to pay more,much more..
i have to work hard for next year at this time..
i really don't understand myself,
why would i fall?
as i already started to get up and fight...
what's wrong with me?
izit i have to fall many times,in order for me to get better results?
im at a very high risk now,i must do better already...
no more mistakes,i cant afford to fall anymore..
it's not fun,
to have sleepless night,
to do things different from others,
and to be looked down...
and seriously....
i really do not like accounting at all,
i've been seeking for programme supervisor from every department,
i asked if there's anything they can do for me...
but it's too already in the half way..
i have to continue,i cant stop...
if i stop,i'll be wasting my 1 year time..
i dun have much time with me,
no matter what,i have to continue...
at least i must get my diploma..
den,i will re-plan whether i should continue or just stop there..
im actually torturing myself,
studying things that i dun like,
doing things that i do not wish to,
and just follow the flow...
*big sigh*
why am i such a big failure?
oh my gawd....
im tired,
very tired,
when will my nightmare ends?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

3rd August - hoping

i've been worrying something for few weeks,
it's about my studies...
there's 3 subjects that i've been worry...
among the 3....1 passed
im still working on the another 1,as i still can make it pass,
while there's another is already past,and there is high possibility that i can fail that...
there's nothing much to do with that 1...
all i can do is,pray, pray and pray...
hoping that there's a miracle happen...
although it's quite impossible..
i wish that i could pass the paper,
and i promise i will do better in my final,
was not hoping to get high marks,
but at least,let me pass the paper...
i really do afraid...
i dun wan this kind of life anymore...
worrying sick of something..
it's really suffering..
i can do better!
i can change!
hoping for another chance...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

27th July - Starry night

i should be studying right now instead of blogging,
there's an important test 2moro,
it's like a matter of live and death for me..
im taking like,an hour of break already..
i gotta continue study soon,
till the next morning and straight away to class..
i've just drank a can of coffee that i bought not long ago..
not sure if it works,i hope it do..
actually,im not feeling well for about a week already..
during weekends,i rest alot and have no time to study..
that makes me last minute work again..
i sick at the wrong time..
although i rest alot,it's still the same...
if there's no any test on 2moro,i'll probably sleep like nobody's business right now..
in fact,i do have test...and it's important..
sleep,i can sleep anytime...
but if i do terribly on this test,i'll be as good as dead..
my shoulder is very heavy...
in terms of neck stiffness,
and also burden...
im carrying a very big burden on me for a very long time...
im very tired,i havent properly have a peace of mind for the past 5 or 6 weeks..
although it's all gonna end soon,but still on the way..
out of sudden,i missed the starry night...
it's been very long time since the last time i saw it...
shiny and bright full moon,
that makes the sky clear and bright,
together with the sky that full of stars..
the silence of the street,
the windy night,
makes me feel like im the only one that lives in the earth..
i wish i could have chance to see it again..
sooner or later perhaps?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

24th July - concentration

im very very disappointed with myself for what i did for this whole semester
it was not cool at all
i will drag myself to a very deep shit if it continues
i must stop all these
i can stop it,
it wasnt too late after all,
i still can change something,
but all i need is start to work hard,
i need concentration,
all i need is concentration,
it's my last chance,
it's time for me to get serious,
im very very regret to be fooling around,
i wish nothing from YOU
all i need is just concentration....

Saturday, July 17, 2010

17th July - Disappointment

im facing alot of troubles at college,
and everything that happens,
is actually full of disappointment,
im really disappointed with my life,
whatever happens,it happens exactly the same,
there's no surprise for me in my life,
and that makes my life predictable,
not just my life,im disappointed with myself also,
i thought i can do better,but it never happens,
i never concentrate on what im doing,
many people said that im changed,but..
in fact,i still the same
i wish i changed,i wish to start all over again
im sick with my life,i do not wish to continue it..
but i must...
i shouldnt be so selfish,i must think of others as well
im running out of time,i must start to do something before it's too late..
but,how am i gonna start? where should i begin?
i wish that there's someone always be there for me when i needed help..
lead me, guide me, care me, and understand me..

Sunday, July 11, 2010

11th July - Investment

recently,there's something that keep buzzing my mind..
it's about investment...
but,it's not about the investment that u all might be thinking..
it does not involve the matter of profits or so watever..
it's an investment about talent..
i've thinking it for some quite of time..
im not sure whether this investment does works or not..
i've thinking of learning something new and special which i really obsessed with it..
before tis,i do think of it before..
but im facing some financial issues on that time..
so,i couldnt walk the talk by that time..
now,since i can handle my financial properly..
i felt that it's time for me to walk the talk instead of talk the talk..
but,support is all i need...
these investment needs big amount of money,
although im fine with it,but my parents wouldn't think so..
they are somehow,old fashioned...
i could rarely discuss with them..
wat can i do is,
waiting for a proper time and try to persuade them...=/

Saturday, June 26, 2010

26th June - Breathless

it's week 6 of the college life..
it's the beginning of the miserable life..
everything started to rush by..
courseworks, assignment , test , presentation...
continuously for 5 weeks..
i could bear the stress,
i could bear the tiredness,
i could bear everything,
but not the blame..
im already very tired,
please do understand me..
im also human,
i have feelings as well..
im really really really tired..
the college thing is really killing me already..
please leave me alone...
i couldnt hold it any longer...
i really need to concentrate more on my studies..
i dun wanna fail,after all i've been go through...
i realise what is more important to me...
i dun wanna see disappointment in my parent's face..
i dun wanna be mocked anymore...
i know i can do better,but it's all depends on how i take it..

Friday, June 18, 2010

18th June - Toy story 3 =)

today my class started at 8am, late for class again today...
i couldnt sleep well that night...ended up in waking up 830am and quickly rush to college..
i reached college at 9am and of coz,i late for an hour...i was really embarassed at the moment when im walking in to my seats at the classsroom..everyone is looking at me,and of coz...everyone did laugh and said that "what time already?"...
i quickly get into my seats and im glad that my tutor doesnt mad at me..=D
my tutor did joke with me as well...he asked me izit the reason im late is all bcoz i watch football last night? i laugh and replied no...den,i was asked to do a simple question....i have no idea how to do seriously...and i tell teacher that it's impossible....but since the tutor said it's easy,i do as he requested...of coz not with my capabilities,from the help of my babi fren of coz :P
the class ended shortly after that,i sat in the class for less than 30 minutes only...hehe

*skip some unnecessary part*

i bought 4 tickets to watch Toy Story 3 with my friends which is Vickie,Lisa and Jess...
it was the 1st time for lisa and jess to meet vickie...during half way of my lecture,lisa called me and said tat she cant enter the college without the,i went out and fetch them in to the college and dump them at canteen 2 to let them visit the college..and i proceed straight back to the lecture was supposed to end at 230pm but i left early bcoz i bought the tickets at 230pm...we didnt go far,we only went to Wangsa Walk Mall to watch first,i thought that i wouldnt enjoy the movie much as the cinema was full with malays,not even a single chinese other than we 4...but,it's the end,i enjoyed the movie very very much...thank god they know how to laugh! the movie was much more funnier compare to Toy Story 1 and 2....Toy Story 3 is seriously different from the reviews from the newspaper and's totally much more funnier,much more dramatic,much more story line,and much more emotional...i seriously gonna cry in the ending part,it's seriously very touching....the reason why i'm touched is because,maybe i understand how does the character feel like...
we're all grown kids,and we're adults now...everyone do have their childish moment....sometimes,i even laugh at my ownself for wat i did during the past...
tis movie seriously worth to watch...funny and touching as well...i'll rate it 9.5/10...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

12th June

pembaca sekalian, =D's 447am in Malaysia,and it's around 6.50am Saturday in Australia...
tat si babi Ms.V already go to trip at Australia for 4 days already...
dunno tat stupid having fun at there or not...
and most importantly..dunno she will remember to bring souvenir back or not :P
she went to Australia on wednesday..tat means she absent the class for 2 days,exlude the lecture..
and i wanna tell her that,i still can so happy without her in the class la...hahahahaha...=P
paiseh la,din reply ur message on the day tat u depart...u know why i didnt reply? it's bcoz the time is 4am something edi,u expect me to reply ar? dream on la si babi.. :P
ok,dun wan talk about tat babi edi..
let's talk about Ms.PV
she's going to Redang Island today,later i guess....
so good le they all..can go for a trip...
i expect some souvenir from Ms.PV oso...
but i dun hope much,even some sand from Redang is enough i guess..
nothing much to say,buai

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

1st June 2010 - Rumors

recently,there's a rumor in the class that attracts the attention of everyone..
the rumors is about,the relationship im having with ms.V...
everyone in the class though that im in relationship with her..
the reason why they think so is because,
im quite close with her recently..
i sat with her,
lunch with her,
and walk together..
couldnt blame them as we were really quite intimate in this few days..XD
so,i would like to clarify that..
we are actually juz friends,
or maybe to say that,im more close to her...=P
there's been alot of question that i've been received from them about us..
so,stop misunderstanding arr...=D
as wat ms.V said...she oso nid to find bf de,better to keep her name clean..
and of coz,i oso nid to find gf as well de le..=X

refer to ms.V's blog

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

26th May - hi

didnt update my blog for 3 weeks long edi...
i have no idea wat to write...
it must be my "sickness" is getting better and to be cured soon..
great,i love it...
i can see changes in me...
so do others,they like my changes...
the changes that they mean is..
i have a smile on my face,
i looked more active,
im talkative compare to last time, more emo at all..heeeee =P
all i wanna say is,im leading a good life..
im happy with it...
im happy with wat i have,
and strength..=)
i thought i'll have miserable life for a long period of time..
but,it all ended up faster than i thought..
it's all thanks to my friends...
they enlighten me,they bring joy to my life,and they coloured my life...
it's everything in black and white before i met them...
i probably wouldn't get through all these without their guide and support...
i really sincerely thanks them...i love em all~ =)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

8th May 2010 - now i have the mood to blog again

the reason why i didnt update my blog recently is not bcoz im busy or i didnt know what to update,it's because im lazy...
usually,i blog whenever im moody..
i express it all out through words..
so,recently i didnt update my blogs..
tat means im doing quite fine recently..
good thing for me =D
im updating my blog now,
doesnt mean im moody right now..
the reason why i update my blog now is because..
wanna tell some ppl tat IM NOT DEAD YET! =D
im still doing fine,juz wanna share something that i did for the whole week..
last week friday,i went work with friend for just a day as a streamyx promoter..
based on my experience of working,im supposed to be assigned to work at 1u..
but because of my stubborness, i went to carrefour in some place that is far away from the city with my old friend..=D
at there,im not really just wasting my time there...rather than rotting at home..
at the same time,while im working..
i received a sms from fren telling that they're moving to melaka that night..
the night before that,i told them that i'll give my answer about that on tat day,
as i need permission from parents as well..
early in the morning before i out to work,my mom approved my permit..
in the noon,they told me that they're moving at 9pm...but my work shud be end at 10pm..
so,i ask them to wait for me if they can...but they didnt..
nvm,i drive my own car,4 of my friends follow me..2 guys and 2 girls...
luckily,some miracle thing happen and i get to end my work quickly...
at around 11pm,we moved from sri gombak to melaka...
tat was my 1st time to drive tat far..during the journey,we had a great time at the car....thanks to my friend for keeping me awake throughout the whole journey..
we sang,we dance,we laugh,we tell stories,we shout and we enjoyed!
that's the best part for me in that melaka's always the best..
i drive slowly,and we reach our destination around 2 and half hours later...
once i reach there,i put down my bags and greet with my friend's grandma as we gonna stay at there for the next few days..
den,i found a spot that is comfortable for me to sit and rest my head at the table..
im really really tired,especially my neck...
den from behind,there's some1 helping me to massage my neck..
i was shock tat time,i dunno it was who..
till i look behind and it was my fren (lisa)..
i wouldnt deny to have massage at tat time as im really really needed it..
i continue and rest my head while she massaging my neck...
it's really really really comfortable,i cried for it...=D
thanks lisa,really really very comfortable...
den,i quickly take a quick shower and head straight to the bed and sleep =D
to conclude the whole melaka trip..
it was fun,it was the best,i really looking forward for another trip with them..SERIOUSLY!
and that's for the 30/4~2/5 =P

next,it's about ytd...6/5
went clubbing with's been quite a long time since the last time i went to clubbing..
there's around 3-4 months i never been to clubbing already..
ytd i went...and yet....I STILL HAVE THE MOVE! =P
well,i have to admit...i did drunk at the beginning...but tat's just for 20 minutes...
because i keep drinking without moving at the dance floor,dun blame me ==
conclusion from ytd night..awesome!

went for a movie with 2 dearest fren..Lisa&Jess
bought the ticket 1 day earlier and of coz,nice seats...
we watched Ip Man 2...
Lisa thought that she might be sleeping during the movie...
but from wat i saw,she was amazed by tat movie..=P
and yeah,i was amazed by the movie as well...FANTASTIC!
after the movie,went to feeling cafe to help someone to gain some so called "feeling"...
doesnt know if she does...=P

that's all,

Friday, April 30, 2010

30th April 2010 - On again?

juz back from chit chatting with 2 of my friends...ate a burger again..same place..nice!
after finish eating,bought myself a vanilla coke..woah,100% satisfaction!
after finish eating and drinking,we sat at the bench and start chit chatting...
the topic that we chat is about the malacca trip that we planned for a long time edi..
it supposed to be cancelled actually,and suddenly..the topic is hot again after someone bring it up..
the trip has been cancel for 3 times and ON for 2 times...tis is the 2nd time we ON it...and looks like it wont off again..
i actually couldn't make it to the trip as my brother also went to malacca with his frens on the same day...if i go,tat means i left my mom alone at home..i dun feel like doing,i off im 1 of the 3 drivers who were included in tis trip,so my decision is quite important..
after chit chatting with them,i felt that i really wish to go...but i first have to discuss it with my brother about tis...
as he doesnt have any confidence towards my driving skill..(wtf la,a year edi weih...)
so my plan is,to discuss it nicely with my brother...
after the chit chatting with frens..i went back home
once i reach home,i received a call from a fren asking me to work as a promoter 2moro...
i actually already refuse to work with him ytd,but he persuade me to go for it..
so,i decided to follow him to work 2moro...
have to wake up early again 2moro..8am ==
so,haiz...for the sake of money,have to sacrifice my sleeping time...=(

Thursday, April 29, 2010

29th April 2010 - Sick

hahahaha,expected to sick since few days ago...
and yes,im sick now =)
shud be didnt sleep for the whole night yesterday...
thank god that there's no sound of drilling early in the morning..
if not,i'll probably couldnt get up from the bed..
i woke up at 2pm today,and found that im already sick..
open up the curtain,and found that the weather at the time is best to swim..
so i quickly pack up my swimming trunks and my student id...
head straight to Tarc alone...
after i bought the tickets and start changing to swimming trunks...
the sun started to!
freaking hot,dun feel like swimming at tat time..
but since i already changed to swimming trunks..
quickly have a quick shower and dive in the swimming pool and started to swim from start to the end...
i must be too long didnt swimming,and im exhausted after finish the 1st for few minutes...and start swimming again...
swim for about an hour,quickly take a quick shower and head back home..
reach home for just 10 minutes,change my clothes and go out again...
went to giant with friends bcoz he wanna buy hair dryer...ended up in lepak around the giant and bought nothing..=P
after that,i doesn't feel like going back i followed my fren to the place where they learn's a studio,but wasnt too big at all...
as it was my 1st time at the studio,and not much ppl around...tried to dance simply,as my fren were warming up before the class started...after their sifu reached there,i quickly stop and sit aside..avoid conflict =/
while im at the studio watching them dance,i learnt a few thing oso by just watching them dance...hoho,quick learner =P
at around 9pm,the class finally dismissed and head straight back home...once i reach home,my fren called me and ask me out for a drink...i quickly have a quick shower and change my clothes and flash out from the house,again....
the purpose my fren ask me out for a drink is discuss about job thingy...i supposed to work later at 9am..but after discussion with friends,i doesnt feel like wanna work anymore and refuse to work...and yet,im jobless again...
since im jobless,i asked few of my friends for badminton later at 10am...=)
and that's all...
this is wat sick ppl does....
doing sports for the whole day,
doesnt rest at home,
and blogging in the middle of night,
and need to wake up early for badminton later..
great! fabulous =)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

28th April 2010 - Bored

final exam already ended for a week now...if u ask me to recall what happened for the whole week...i seriously can list out everything without missing out something..
for the whole week,i've been staying at home doing nothing...especially on the 23rd..
on the 23rd...been celebrating a surprise birthday for vickie..although her exact birthday is on 27th,but we celebrate it early because she gonna go back her hometown...
celebrate it early makes no different,as she said..that's the best birthday she ever had..
there's only 5 of us (pv,hy,kc,kp,and me) who celebrate with her..although there's not much thing we did for her..only treat her for movies,nando's and most importantly,her favourite tiramisu..
Happy Birthday to Vickie once again =)

that's for the 23rd...

well,for the following days..i did the same thing everyday...
i woke up at 12-2pm and i bath,eat and play for a few hours..and sleep again till dinner time,i'll wake up and have my dinner...=(
totally jobless,nothing to sick of it..
i afraid to get bored...especially on the holiday season...i must at least do something...
i will sick if it continues..
and..i dunno wat to write brain is not functioning well lately..

Thursday, April 22, 2010

22nd April 2010 - Worth?

juz came back from a drink with friends....
i've been thinking alot recently,and everytime i think is when im alone and when im driving
recently,i've never fetch anyone and so that means im quite a loner tis few days..
that makes me think alot while im driving..
so,that means im not concentrating while im driving..
not concentrating while driving is bad enough..
wat's worse is,i ran over red light for few times without realising it..
not just for once or twice,but few times..tat means x>1 (x= ran over red lights)
i might be lucky to be ok but everytime when i ran over it,i nearly involve into a deep shit..
and im still wondering till now..
what am i thinking that time which almost get me killed?
izit worth to think of some that not worthy that almost took my life?

i think i've to start learning to focus while im driving...
if not,tragic will happen..

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

21st April 2010 - boredom strikes

finally,it's what we waiting for and this is all we wanted ever since the beginning of every semester..semester break..
exam's over yesterday,today is the 1st day of the holiday..thought that could have a nice sleep till noon..but,early in the 8..the renovation begins...drilling,knocking and etc...FUCK IT! FUCKING IRRITATING!!
wakes up at around 12.47pm with no satisfaction and head straight to the bathroom and take long shower...after all,the shower aint satisfy me either..the fucking sound of drilling is still on...
have a quick lunch and help my mom with some housework,and straight flash up to my room and start online...
for the 1st hour,i felt uneasy
2nd hour onwards,i felt bored
and the following hours till now, im so fucking bored!

holiday seems to be a word that is pretty excited for everyone..
but when we're on holiday,it's really a curse as everyone started to get bored..
i've been sitting infront of my computer for the whole day,
open and close fb for so many times,
and watching movies that i already watched for 3-4 times..
wat is this la????
i need an outing,
i need outdoor activities,
i need something other than this..
why im always the 1 who being left behind?
why do i always have to be the one who sitting at home,instead of having fun at outside?
and why the fuck i always have to be the one,who SUFFERED the MOST??

all i want is just...
a ...... ......... .... ... ... ....... .... ...'.. ...... .... ..

Friday, April 16, 2010

16th April - 2 down,1 to go

we finished the 2nd paper of the final examination and now is down to 1!!
1 left and we'll have a short break before continue to year 2 of our studies...
today's paper is english for business..
seriously,in my entire life at primary and secondary school,i had look down the english subject...i thought that i could score without any tuition or studying it..
but now,it's proved that im wrong...some may think that im good at english because the way i speak and the way i's actually all just's only an exterior english is actually terrible in the point of grammar,comprehension,active-passive and so on..i have to admit that,i dun give a damn about english..i never studied it,pay attention during class and maybe respect it...
although today's paper wasnt too hard after all,but im sure i cant get wat i wanted..
have to work harder to achieve my objective =(
today is the 16th,and the next paper im having is on the 20th..
i have about 4 days or more to study for it which is's the toughest subject in this semester..and most importantly,my bro failed 3-4 times =D
i have to study hard for this subject,i dun wan to fact,i aim more than not-to-fail...might be abit greedy =P

nitez =)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

13th April - combination of yesterday's and today's

yesterday was my first day of final's tamadun islam paper...was spending the whole night studying it..didnt sleep of coz,till the next morning...and,i look extremely horrible...spend some time to refresh myself..wax-ed up my hair,so that can look more fresh and confident..heeee =P
my friend even said me look good eventhough i didnt sleep whole night...=)

after the signal is given,everyone is rushing to their respective exam hall..wishing each other good luck...after entering the exam hall and choose the seats..quickly open the question paper....
i was totally 'seong che' (something like terpedaya and stunned) after seeing the question...i only study according to the tips given by my fren..well,wouldnt say that it doesnt kena at all...kena at least 90% of it..and the other 10% is the one i didnt read...==

so,i keep staring at the question paper and thinking how to do till we can start writing..which is at 9am...once we can start writing..i quickly start with the essay part as im afraid i gonna forget wat i gonna write...since i do not know the question tat i supposed to do,so i have to do another question which is my Plan B...i didnt study for tat question,but i did read about it least much more confident than the one i supposed to do...finish the 2 of the essay question in 20 minutes time...den,went to the 30 questions of MCQ part...from question 1 to 30,was doing it quite smooth...spend at most 20 sec for 1 question and 1 minute for the unsure least 4 unsure answer...after finish it,roughly check it and hand it the teacher..and quickly went was 9.45am if im not mistaken...quite disappointed with the question,not challenging...but at least worth of spending whole night reading it...

after getting out from the exam hall,i realised that i took something which i does not supposed to take it out which is the empty answer booklet...XD throw it somewhere else..hapuskan bukti..
i also realised that,i couldnt walk at tat time as my vision is blur,hand and leg is trembling at the same time...knew tat something is wrong with,i sat outside the examination block for an hour or more..sambil sambil wait for my fren...cun cun 11 oclock,all came out...happy face,expected...fetch my fren out to her car and den go to JJ to switch to maxis...took me only 10 minutes and have to pay rm1 for the parking,babi!

after that,straight went back home and bath and sleep...from 12.30 to 5...woah,great!
my whole body was wet after i wake up,and i realise im not feeling so good..touching here and there,felt my whole body was quite warm...took out the digital thermometer to see my body temperature..fuyoh,super hot..high fever! didnt take any medicine, and rest..felt much better now..

and tat was the 12th of april...
for today which is 13th of april..

im now hotlink youth club member! happy with it,4 years of validity...till 2014,even if 2012 does happen,it's still valid XD
just to inform,number is still the same,but my service provider is now Maxis/Hotlink =)
nothing really much happen today..
as usual,missing someone..terrible,haih =(
did i find her today? yes..but still miss her,haih =(
did i enjoy the scene? NO! it's raining,haih! =(

haih,forget it....there's something missing in my's like :

plants without sunshine,
cars without wheels,
foods without taste,
vase without flowers,
dance without songs,
and most importantly,
me without you..

Monday, April 12, 2010

12th april - dying/crazying/suffering/rushing

im now blogging using my phone at melati utama mcd..I've been here since (i forget) around 11 or 12 like tat..the reason why im here is bcoz of stupid tamadun islam exam tat i will be sitting just in a few hours time..i came here alone,for the 1st time seriously...all i can say tat,the environment here is much much better than any mcd outlets tat i've been..although it wasnt big,but there's always full of people here..mostly oso tarcian..and the reason why they are here is same as me..last minute study,tsk tsk tsk! Most of them oso chinese,and most of them are holding tamadun islam notes as well..heeee,got teman..=P ever since i reach here till now,i've been drinking 6 cups of coffee..keep i feel,sleepy (obviously coffee doesnt help) and i feel wanna vomit as well ==..but still,i recommended tarcian to come here often if they wanna study..hopefully the exam doesnt kill me tomolo XD..have to continue with my studies =/ nitez

Sunday, April 11, 2010

11th April - Moody

4.12am - im still here,reading T.India...and i cant get wat it mean at much thing to memorize..the names,argh..difficult...i just simply read through,as i cant memorize a single thing right just not in the mood to memorize anything right now...

i really cant accept the not borned for's just not's too miserable for me..
why? how?
it's the question tat i really wanna ask..
why everything turned up to be something that i doesnt want it to be?
how it happen? it's just too fast for me...i didnt have much preparation for it yet..

im not a proffesional at ending my own misery,i do not know the way to entertain myself in tis situation..
so,im hoping that god do read tis..
please end my misery,i dun care how and what..please end it for me..but please do not hurt anyone other than me..
im going to sleep now,i seriously hope that everything is over when i wake up next morning..=/

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

6th April '10 (freaking long one)

today my class started at 10.30am..and ended at 12...
as this week were the final week for the sem 3..
there's quite number of classmate playing truant..
which leaves the class empty and silence and eventually,it's bored..
no one coming for classes is already bored,wat makes it even more bored is..
it's tamadun islam class..super bored...
have to sit separately with my frens today,as im being kicked off *cry*
just kidding,bcoz the place there's sitting is already full..have to sit with other fren =(
during the class,we're asked to do question about the tamadun china by ourself and we're not "allowed" to refer to any notes or books..
so,we did it by "not to refer" to any notes or books...
and finish,we pass up and it's the end of the class..*yawn*
what makes me sad is..she's (u know la,pandai pandai fikir) not going to attend the following class as she have to celebrate fren's bday today...she didnt tell me about it till before she left the classroom..she called me and said she have to go now...and i asked wat i shud ask,and let her go =(
we supposed to attend the next class at 2.30pm..after she gone,i have no mood to continue the next class...while i was standing with the other fren inside the classroom,
there's a sudden plan of going to cinema tat flash through my mind...and i propose it to them...
i didnt even expect they will excited with the plan,and all of them terus "on"
i was kinda shock at first,they look happy with it..LOL!
and i said that...we sure cant make it for the next class if we decided to watch,i bravely suggest again..."we ponteng OHR la"
den,one of me 38 fren quickly reply.."okok"
den,we're out of the classroom to plan it,as we wanna walk the talk...outside the classroom,we're 85% agree to watch movie + ponteng class...den she(pandai pandai again la) appear opposite of us waiting for her fren..and we tell her that we're going for a movie..=P
she said we fan jian =(
and i quickly run to her and ask thing again(concern her ma) ...before leaving her...ask her to becareful as she was alone waiting for fren tat,den i left her and join my frens again =(
berat hati~
den,as we're walking to the parking lot...suddenly one of us wanna "off" it as she didnt wan to go and she wan to attend class to know our coursework marks...while we walking,one of us tam (pujuk) her to go..till we gonna reach the parking lot there...saw 1 of my gorgeous fren(it's a she of coz) are with her bunch of frens standing and sitting...on the same day,she's oso turn up to be 20 today...(Happy Birthday BeLL!),i walk to her and wish her happy birthday again..(for the 3rd time)..they were oso planning for an outing to celebrate her birthday,so do,we stop by at a bench not far away from Bell and try to persuade another fren to go with us..but still,she insist to stay at college and attend the next,we try wat we could to get her with,we let her go...=(
left 4 of us which is me,vickie,pv,and kc
den,we continue with our plan...get to the car,and head straight to times square...reach there around 1pm and head straight to the cinema counter to buy tickets of "Clash of the Titans"..we found out that there's student price given if we did bring our student and my fren's student id were left in the car,so i quickly run back to the parking lot and get it and run back 10 minutes..try doing it,u'll faint...after i reach there,hand them our student id,and take a rest for a vision wasnt clear at tat time,it was blur...i couldnt see some words and things properly at tat time (my sight getting worse edi)..den,it's our turn and we buy 4 tickets using our student id...normal price was rm11,student price was on,total rm28...darn cheap weih! after buying the tickets,i was kinda shock at the same time as vickie and pv is treating me for the movie tickets as they said they wanna treat me bcoz i drove them here...i refuse to accept it and say next time,they also insist not to accept my,wat to do? they didnt hand out their hands to take the money,so..i have to accept it lor..takkan go stuff in ppl's mouth..den,we have around 1 hour+ before the movie start...go to mcd to have lunch,the queue wasnt long,but there's no seat..full of ah bengs...went to kfc,queue wasnt long too,but alot seats..
after taking our lunch,we still have an hour,went to have a walk...go in from 1 shop to another shop...den the vickie,went in to 1 shop less than 3 minutes..bought herself a belt dao...memang shopaholic...den went to another shop again..she nearly bought herself a vest but too her size...too kurus edi (ridiculous,she gained weight now)...
den when it's about the time,we went to cinema and seated ourself...the movie is at trailer till 3.05pm and the movie starts...
so,the review of the movie...
the movie is somehow,abit related to percy jackson...
it's about war between the gods and human...
quite a long story,doesnt really enjoy the movie..but i enjoy the myth..(interested with greece mythologies now!)
so,i wanna conclude the movie using my own words...

Zeus eventually have sex with other people's wife which is a human and that makes him to have a demi-god son,Perseus....the people's wife that he is playing with was the wife of a King which is planning to have war with the gods..and then,it makes the king irritated and decide to kill his wife and not-his-son together by putting his wife and the baby in a coffin and throw them down the sea....that was zeus sex is :

Poseidon sex story.....poseidon is the brother of Zeus...he eventually raped a beautiful girl at the floor and makes the girl to be cursed(i think) bcoz she was praying to the god while she was being rape by the god...and it makes her to be a creature which is a gorgon named's a snake-human creature which knows how to use a bow...besides,everyone who look into her eyes will turn themself to a stone...

Hades is also brother of the Zeus...he's incharged of the underworld and for sure he didnt enjoy it...and im sure he's a virgin..i think..

so,that's the conclusion i can write..i'll rate the movie 7/10
and,im not insulting the greece mythology as i just roughly said it throughout the whole movie..

and to say the truth...the watching movie session is just ok ok oni..the happiest moment is when we're deciding to skip classes and plan for a movie..that's the best part...
somehow,i didnt enjoy the movie oso..was missing someone badly at that time =(

k la,i know im "abit" too cheong hei for writting so much in the middle of the night..sorry and paiseh...
last 3 words before i end this.."i miss her" =)

Friday, April 2, 2010

dunno wat to put la...

i used to blogging at this time when im still new with this thing..
the reason why i blogging in the middle of night because..
i have inspiration during midnight..
besides having inspiration,my appetite is even better than daytime..
not just appetite and inspiration,i even feel very active during this time..
and,tats the advantage of me during midnite..

the disadvantage of me during midnite is,
i'll think something extra and it doesnt make sense at all..
i'll miss someone badly at this time,although we did meet each other less than 24 hours ago..
i'll regretted wat i have done in the past,and affected me in the present days..

seriously,there's something wrong with my blog nowadays...felt that my blog is getting more emo and emo-er...probably will get back to some daily activities i done..=/

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

30th March~

i don't know wat is all these about..
everytime when i ask u something..
u wouldn't just tell me wat is it or maybe wat is going on..
u may just keep it as a secret from me...
or maybe u tell me that u do not wan to mention it..
as it would makes u unhappy or moody..
if it involves ur privacy matter,den i understand u..
and would let it go..
i know that some of the thing is not privacy at all
but u still insist dun wan to tell me..
and u will keep it as a secret..
everytime in that situation..
u'll say,
i wont understand..
of coz i wont understand..
how could i even understand..
when u're keeping secret from me..
and didnt tell me...
im sorry,
because i didnt spare some of my time..
to understand u more..
im sorry,
to misunderstood u..
as i should trust u more than anyone else..
im sorry,
for wat have i done..
sometimes,i do wat i shudnt..
im sorry,
to be jealous of you..
bcoz u're a girl tat every guy wants to run into..
u also said that do not waste my time on u..
and i replied something,which
i do mean it..


been thinking about it for all night long..
i have a presentation later..
i havent done with my speech..
i havent print the hard-copy..
i havent combine all the works..
i have to wake up few hours later..
i have to deal with the stupid car..

it was like a nightmare tat im having while im sleeping,and whenever i wokes up..the nightmare continues..=(


when i remembered a dream that i have a moment ago while i was taking nap...i felt that everything worth...although it's just a dream,but our moments in there was a return from wat i have suffer..worth it =)

Saturday, March 27, 2010


i have a lot of question to ask,but
i do not have the guts to ask..
as my question will be very mean to u,
or maybe both of us..
arguement will happen,
if i did that..
the question that i wanna ask,
is full of jealously,
full of hatred,
but actually,
the question i wanna ask..
is just full of concern,
me towards you..
i don't want to ruin our relationship..
as im enjoying what i have with you now,
although,i admit that im expecting more than,
what we are,and what we have now...
i prefer suffer it alone,
from not asking u those question..
rather than watching both of us having no topic to talk at all..
i miss ur laughter,ur smile,ur cuteness..
once, i did say that u completed me..u may think that im joking
but i did mean it..
u complete me =)

Friday, March 26, 2010

pay up please! i have a dream to catch!

stupid ptptn,when will they pay my loan? im waiting for that money for decades!
i need the money badly...i need to buy alot of things...
please pay up as soon as possible...please


i just can't get it...why do some people likes to involve another people in that case in order to criticize another person? i really don't like reading those thing...why must they do that? is it really fun? i just can say tat it is freaking childish! how old are them,do they even know how to think? that's not the way of having fun...please think wisely before u talk..ur excitement may hurt others,ok?!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

RedBox Karaoke

not few days ago,went to RedBox Karaoke with a bunch of friends..we sign in at around 2pm which is during Happy Hour period and the price is around RM20 including tax per person..then,they are around 9 of us and we're brought to a large room which we can just run around it..we're excited and we cant stop choosing the song..the songs there are really latest and it's proved that they do update their song from time to time...although we choose alot of new songs,but there's none of us can sing it...we had just start singing for around 40 minutes and we decided to eat,we went out to the lobby as there's a buffet there..there are alot of choices and we do not have enough spaces to fill it them all..we can only try a few dishes that are served...their food,some were tasty while there's also some taste like shit...was thinking that if the chef got cert while he interview that job..ignore the food,do not let it to spoil the mood..we keep singing and singing and singing till our time is couldn't satisfy us as the time really pass too fast...wish to spend longer time there and hopefully the RedBox could fire the chef and hire a better chef..

Friday, March 19, 2010


few days back,after i finished my classes and fetch my frens home..
i dun feel like going home early,it was around 2pm that time if im not mistaken..
so,i've decided to go back to my secondary school,as i always wanted to go back ever since the beginning of sem 2,but didnt have time to do so...
and since it's now school holiday,it's the best to go back now to get back some piece of memories =)

when i stepped in the school :

past :
-every step that i took while im still student is full of stress
my mind is keep thinking bout homeworks,test,kerja kursus,and hairs (sometimes oni la)

present :
-the 1st step that i take,is really full of memories...trying to remind back what i did at the corner, at that spot, on that building and so on...

when i climb the stairs for 4-storey high :

-while im on the stairs during past,i cant wait to reach to the top as the stairs is really unstable as the steps is not balance...while climbing,im thinking that why the hell school didn't plan to put a lift or maybe an escalator? it's really tiring,everytime i reached the 4th floor,it's like reaching the top of the mountain...and it took me about only 1 minute to reach top there,wouldnt spend much time at stairs..

-before i take my 1st step up to the stairs,i look properly if there's any changes,perfect...since i have time,decided to go slowly,step by step..wondering alot of things such as "did i fell at here before?", "wat jokes did I listen/tell here?" , "whose butt am i whacking?" (kaihao) ...i smiled,and i dunno why...took me bout 5 minutes to reach top there..(old edi)

when i reached the corridor :

-everytime when i reach the corridor/walkway, it's the time to check out who is absent or present...look into class to class to seek for the truant-player...from one class to another...greeting good morning to those who are not quite familiar and "sohai" to those who are very familiar (guys only)...once i reach my class,checking out whether my best mates is absent/present...but usually he comes,will only know he's attendance at the very last minute...sometimes,i'll just sit at the class waiting my friends to come to me as my class is very hotspot for everyone...or maybe if im just too bored,i'll go to others...when we have enough of's about time for us to stand at the corridor to look for "cars"...the meaning of cars is not looking for GTR,Fairladyz,Mazda or so whatever...the reason we look for cars is same meaning as checking whether the teachers is absent/present....if they're absent,den it's a hurray! if present,get back in and do our homework =( ....ah!not to forget,at 7.20am,we have to stand at the corridor and listen to the bible talk (islam prayers)...

when i reached there,i walk slowly...looking at the classes...empty...from one to another,still empty...stand outside my classroom,the door is locked...couldnt get in, i wanted to get in and have a sit at my old seats,but it's been removed....i can only take a look at my class from the windows...and get to take few pictures...since,it's lock...den no idea,i stand at the favourite old spot that i used to stand last time with my friends...looking at the cars,checking out who's present...and peeking on junior hot chicks..LOL! <--- (kidding eh) standing there,for about half and was so,peaceful....close my eyes,put on my ears...and listen to the sound of wind...imagine back to 2 years ago, the noise of the tables/chairs..the footstep of people...the jokes that my friend tell...and so on...(oh god,my tears is about to drop writing this) at the koperasi : past : used to work at there every morning,eventhough i no nid to work there on that day..coz i hate staying at class...and my life at koperasi can be consider as the part of my happiest life at SMKHC...selling things,updating the stocks,use koperasi as the reason to ponteng happy =)... present: the door is locked,couldnt get in,or maybe see through windows,no anything...juz a signboard writing Koperasi SMKHC....missed that time....

at the perhimpunan spot :

past :
no sweet memories,every monday have to sit there from 7.20 to around was like drying the salt fish...

present :
look at the spot for few minutes,really no sweet memories...hate it...prefer listen to JJ&Ean Gotcha Call than thinking what's the sweet memories at the perhimpunan spot..

there's actually still alot of things and places at the school i wanna write,but i wouldnt do so,as the best memories of my life at SMKHC is at the places above (except for the perhimpunan spot) serious to say,i love the school...not bcoz of the school Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Hillcrest,it's bcoz the memories,the fun,and the friends that i get from there....this back-to-school thing really helps me alot,in recovering back my memories at here,release some of my stress and get to understand few important things..somehow,it's the place where i met her =)

pictures :

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


again it happened...
some small matter
that caused an arguement..
reason of arguement,
i caused it =(
din mean it all...
was doing assignment,
said something that brings her up..
i feel bad,real bad..
and i dont feel good with it..
i dun like to argue with her..
because it will makes me feel bad..
i was very concern about her,
but sometimes,i just cant control it..
everytime we argue, that's the time i think negatively
please forgive me..
i cant continue with my assignment anymore...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


just 2 hours ago,i took the first step to ask a girl for an outing just to watch movie...i was just trying my luck actually,didnt have any high expectation on,she replied me that she have assignment to do but she didnt say,i understand her situation and replied her.."it's ok,nvm" as it is already expected earlier...later she replied that "we can go if the assignment is done"...i was abit thrilled to hear that from,i quickly start on the final assignment that need to be done and have to submit it next week...i've started it and do it well so far,while we chatting...she told me that there's another guy asking for the same thing last week...i suddenly felt that,the assignment that i've doing so far is very very difficult to be done...i felt that i don't understand the question after hearing totally moodless..she doesnt say she cant watch with me or wat...but even she did watch with me...for sure the other guy is looking for another date with her as she went out with avoid her from all these thing,i have to think for her...and i shouldnt go watch the movie with her...tat will makes her like...*i dunno how to explain*...juz tat i do not want her like in the middle of something and it's like she owing us,i dun wan tat! tats what my feeling, i have to cut the conversation with im really speechless,i do not know wat to just,i cant continue with that assignment anymore...i can complete it by friday...but,absolutely not with the mood im having right now...i cant,i just cant...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

the road not taken

few days back,before i get to know wat's my result...i was given a choice to choose my pathway..
i was forced by parents to choose another course if i fail more than two subjects in my sem 2 i was interested in music field,i've decided to enter the Mixology which is a school to learn mixing the song and it can also be known as DJ-ing...but, the decision can only be walk if I fail 2 subjects for my accounting course...but if i didnt fail any,den i can continue the course...

on the results day,i didnt fail not happy nor sad with it...i dunno wat feeling is's too complicated...maybe it's because im happy for didnt fail any and im sad to forgone my DJ dream?

Friday, March 12, 2010

told u,i dun care bout titles..

since it's been a long time i didnt update my blog...i think i have to post something to entertain the readers..
wat happen during this whole week?
much,very much....but
i only remember partly of it...
let me start with my semester 2 results..
my result is...not so good,not so bad..still ok...acceptable...
no fails,no A's...everything is in between...
which means,all B's....
yes..all! 6B's...
i saw my fren's result,but i "shoo"ed them away as i dun wan let them see my result..
before entering the page of the intranet to check my result..was freaking nervous..
i just cant login,bcoz my hand is shaking and i type my password wrongly..
as my hands were shaking,so..i also having difficulty to use the mouse...and i click on the wrong thing..
the wrong thing tat i click 1st sem result..which is terribly sucks,2 first,i thought it was my current result...for the sem 2...for the first 5 seconds,i felt down...den i see properly..."ciu! 1st sem result...babi!"
den i click back,and search for my 2nd sem result..found it...before clicking it,take a deep in..saw that 1st sem result again,terrible...scroll down abit..2nd sem result...from top to bottom...all B's....remarks, resit word...was very very glad...smiley on my face...went to toilet,looked at the mirror..laughed at myself...izit possible i passed all? lol....
met my friends at discussion room in library..had to acted like im depressed and sad about my result...=D
den,went to the SBS office,take the resit make it more real like im really fail =D
tats all for the whole week...LOL?!

coz there's really nothing special going on lately...other than the results day...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

title - i don't care

planned to bring u here and there,
but the plan ended up with everywhere..
couldnt walk the plan...
everything changed..
different,really different..

u said u wanna watch the movie tat is coming,
so i've been waiting for all long to wait the movie to release,
planned to watch it with u,
but now,i couldnt do so..
somehow,im forbidden to do so..
been waiting for a suitable time to ask u for a movie,
but thinking rationally,im still hesitating..=(

title does not matter,wat matter is just the content

i couldnt stop staring at u,
bcoz i enjoy every single moment tat my eyes is attached with urs..
ur beautiful face are then injected to my brain,
tat makes me think of u at every moment..

i wouldnt blink my eyes,
bcoz i would forgone 0.5 second of time to look at u..

i wanted to text u a message,
but i couldn't do it,
thinking back what happen on that night,
it makes me feel terrible...

wat can i do,is juz wait for urs..
i've standby my phone right next to me,
hoping to receive a message from u,
i've receive message from,
digi,him,her but not u..
hoping ur name will be appear on the top screen of my phone..
but ended up with disappointment...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

im hurted

things aren't getting in the way it suppose to be..i dunno wat to write =/

Monday, February 1, 2010


In an English class:
Teacher: "Class, do you know the meaning of parents?"
Ah Beng: "Yes, teacher, it means father and mother."
Teacher: "Good. Can you give me an example?"
Ah Beng: "Sure. Cowboy's parents mean cowboy's father
and mother. Also can say
Cowboy's father is Cow Pay and Cowboy's mother is Cow
Boo. So together we say Cow Pay Cow Boo (KPKB)."
Teacher fainted...............

One evening, Ah Beng and Ah Lian went to a lounge and
requested the DJ to play the song "Ah Cheng Buey Lo
Ti" (Ah Cheng buys bread). The DJ told them they only
played English songs and asked them to request another
song. They were upset and complained to the manager
that the DJ was insulting them. After many hours of
calming them down, the manager found out they were
actually requesting the Righteous Brothers song,
"Unchained Melody".


"Oh, look at the dead bird."
Ah Beng looked skyward and said, "Where, where got?"

Ah Beng to a long-distance telephone operator:
"Could you please tell me the time difference between
Taipei and Las Vegas?"
Operator: "Just a minute......"
Ah Beng: "Thank You," and puts down the phone.


Sunday, January 31, 2010

sem 2 ends,wat's next?

it's been already 3 days since the day i ended my exam on the 28th...wouldn't said that the last paper was terrible...just abit,unexpected and some silly mistakes...anyway,no point to talk about the examination anymore..wat's over,it's over...cant wait to see my result on the 8th of March...Oh yeah btw,on the 26th...there's a birthday surprises for me at times suppose to be a normal outing with friends but turned up to be my birthday celebration..i really didnt expected this earlier as my exam is still on...they ended their exam earlier than me on the 25th which is the day before the celebration...actually,i found that there's something wrong on the night before it and on the day...wanna know how i found out? hehe..stories as below :

1) i supposed to be grounded by 'someone' as my exam is still on...den,the night before it..tat 'someone' text me a message to invite me for outing..

2)den,the 'someone' ask me which movies i prefer to watch...

3) 1 old collegemate suddenly greet me 'happy birthday for 2moro'...i was kinda stunned as my birthday is still far away...

4) on the same day,there's college friend having an outing at the same place...

5)while buying the movie ticket,i didnt use my own money,my fren helped to pay it 1st...when i wanna give back the movie ticket money,she said "later oni count"

6) while we stop nearby a place to eat,my fren said that i shudnt sit on that place,and start from tat moment,my suspicious is now guaranteed..

7) while im eating,my eyes are wild looking at everywhere,as i can feel something's wrong...den,i stop looking for a moment and start thinking wat's going on...

8) just few seconds my attention is away,suddenly i saw 1 bunch of people rushing towards me and they start to sing me the happy birthday shocked and i dunno wat reaction i shud give them...

each and everyone of them bought me muffins and there's total of 7 muffins with 7 candles on top of it...(im 7 years old? XD)...after that,i know that i couldnt stay there edi,and i find excuses to go toilet..i purposely find the furthest toilet around tat place..while im walking,i keep smiling and go to toilet and do wat i supposed to do ( i didnt cry la )...den i go back to them and they said i cried at toilet..==
den,they didnt stay there too long...they decided to go for shopping(college mates)...left me and my friends at there...den when we finish eating and etc etc,they pay the bill and we get out of there...den,i tell them that i need to put the muffins at the car as we still need to walk for a long,we separated and i take the lift to the parking lot....when i entered the lift,i press the B2 floor which is going down,but the lift suddenly went up till the highest level of times square which is 13th floor...i'm a lil bit frightened and i look around the lift if there's "anyone" show out behind me...and hopefully not a girl with white dress and long black hair covered the face lor...den when it reached the highest level,the lift door opened and i saw a woman...fat aunty,work at TOTO walked in to the lift and said "go down hor?" and i replied "ha"...den,i re-press the floor that i wanted to go which is B2 again...reached the floor,walked to my car,and go meet them....
while im walking,i keep smiling as i keep thinking wat happened juz now (the birthday surprise ) till when im at the escalator and my hands is at my pocket....the escalator suddenly stops and i nearly fall backwards...nearly dead there...
den,without contacting them to ask where they are,i went back to the same floor where we separated and start finding them...i walked slowly and smiling all the way till i found them....and they said im crazy for smiling the whole day..XD

walked till around 5.30pm..went back home and tumpang another collegemate back home at "HARTAMAS HEIGHT!"

before end this,i would like to thanks my college mate at the deepest of my heart for giving me the early birthday surprise XD