Thursday, August 19, 2010

19th August - inception?

while i'm studying
out of sudden,i reminded that i promised someone to write bout wat i dreamt yesterday
i can say that,it's my 1st time to have such dream...
i have such dream,is maybe because of im too tired recently..
ok,i'll try to write something not everyone will fully memorize the dream they had before..
unless they often dream about it..

while i was sleeping yesterday,
i had a dream that it's set at a classroom of my secondary school
in the dream,im at the pendidikan moral class..
not much student around...
but at the time,i was sleeping peacefully at the classroom
i still remember i sat at the front row,
while teacher doesnt really pay attention at me, i continue sleep peacefully..
as im sleeping that time(inside the dream), i had a dream inside that dream..
tat means i entered the 2nd stage of the dream..
inside the 2nd stage dream, i wasnt too clear wat is going on...
but all i really remember is,
im sitting at the exam hall..
i looked around..
students were answering the question,
while the teacher is patrolling..
i looked at the exam paper,
and im in total blank...
suddenly,i woke up and im back to the 1st stage of dream..
and at the 1st stage of dream,im finding someone at the classroom..
while im finding for that someone,i felt strange..
as the person that im looking for is a friend from college,
and im still at the secondary school..
that means,i was looking for someone that i doesnt know at all...
den,i woke up...and im at the reality world...LOL!

messy dream,wtf is that...==

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