Sunday, August 22, 2010

22th August - demi-zombie?

it's my first time to blog early in the morning..
it's already not my 1st time to be around at tis time,
i've been doing this for a week,
staying up late at night,
till the morning..
if im lucky,i can sleep from morning till the noon..
if im not lucky,i can stay awake for at least 36 hours..
if im in between, i can sleep for at least 2 hours..
that's me for the past 1 week..=D
today,im slightly different..
i thought that i can sleep till today morning,
but i can just sleep for 1 and half hour only..
slept at 5,and woke up at
i have a huge eye bag..
and im walking like a zombie..
doesn't have appetite to eat,
but i feel thirsty everytime..
i guess im losing my weight again...=/
another 3 more days will be the beginning of final exam..
everyone are stressing,so do i...
was hoping to slower down the time so that i can have more time to study,
and hoping the time passes faster,so that the exam ends quickly..

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