Monday, August 23, 2010

23rd August - 36 hours still counting

yea,broke the record..
havent sleep for 36 hours..
tat's me when it's final exam..
think u know me well?
think again..
im friggin tired..
my head is heavy,
full of formulae,
and so on...
i don't have much time to think of others right now..
is time for me to being selfish for once..
please think of me...
wan fuck me or wat,
go ahead...
but fuck me after i release all the burden,
if u fuck me at these time,
u will be fucked back upside down...
sorry to say..
peace! ._.v

im now studying,
more concentration this time..
had kopi o ice when im drinking with my frens juz now,
but i guess, that doesnt help alot..
after back from drinking,
bath for a very long time,
sitting down under the shower,
bathing is the only time i can really think..
besides,i've view several pictures of my bro frens that is studying in UK,
i envy them,
they started to travel around the world,
and after their final exam ends,
there are going on an europe trip..
i seriously do envy them..
especially watching them stepping on the green field and clear blue sky of Scotland,
i do wish to visit those places also,
not say that i would't have the chance to do so,
i do have the chance,
but i must work harder,
not in the point of working harder to earn money to go that places,
the point im talking about is studying hard and grab the opportunity to study abroad..
i seriously do hope everything goes well for me at Tarc..
so that i can study abroad with my college mates at UK
and together we travel around the world,
that's my target,
it's not impossible,but hard to achieve..
so,here am i..
studying hard to achieve it..
listen to the chinese songs,
and doing revision of the PYQ,
that's my style of study,
at the past,
it's been a long time i didn't tune up to the chinese song,
till today...
i didnt sleep for 36 hours and more,
and it's still counting..
tick tock tick tock....
blogged too much recently,
izit because im too emo?
or maybe a better words to say,
i have alot of problems to be share?
well,who cares..
i die,my problem...

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