Monday, August 16, 2010

16th August - wake up!

this will be my last weekends to play/sleep/dreaming/relax..
i gotta serious with my studies already..
the final exam is just few days away,
i still have time to study for it..
i must get serious with it..
no more jokes,
no more fooling around,
and putting all my efforts in my studies..
im not sure whether i can do it,
but all i know is i MUST do it,
i must NOT fail...
i won't fail myself again,never!
is time to get crazy again with the notes and books,
there is no more day and night for me,
my life will be very messy for following 2 weeks...
let's see wat can i do,
and of course,wish me luck please...
i dun wanna die in my room..
not with my notes..

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