Tuesday, August 3, 2010

3rd August - hoping

i've been worrying something for few weeks,
it's about my studies...
there's 3 subjects that i've been worry...
among the 3....1 passed
im still working on the another 1,as i still can make it pass,
while there's another is already past,and there is high possibility that i can fail that...
there's nothing much to do with that 1...
all i can do is,pray, pray and pray...
hoping that there's a miracle happen...
although it's quite impossible..
i wish that i could pass the paper,
and i promise i will do better in my final,
was not hoping to get high marks,
but at least,let me pass the paper...
i really do afraid...
i dun wan this kind of life anymore...
worrying sick of something..
it's really suffering..
i can do better!
i can change!
hoping for another chance...

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