Tuesday, July 27, 2010

27th July - Starry night

i should be studying right now instead of blogging,
there's an important test 2moro,
it's like a matter of live and death for me..
im taking like,an hour of break already..
i gotta continue study soon,
till the next morning and straight away to class..
i've just drank a can of coffee that i bought not long ago..
not sure if it works,i hope it do..
actually,im not feeling well for about a week already..
during weekends,i rest alot and have no time to study..
that makes me last minute work again..
i sick at the wrong time..
although i rest alot,it's still the same...
if there's no any test on 2moro,i'll probably sleep like nobody's business right now..
in fact,i do have test...and it's important..
sleep,i can sleep anytime...
but if i do terribly on this test,i'll be as good as dead..
my shoulder is very heavy...
in terms of neck stiffness,
and also burden...
im carrying a very big burden on me for a very long time...
im very tired,i havent properly have a peace of mind for the past 5 or 6 weeks..
although it's all gonna end soon,but still on the way..
out of sudden,i missed the starry night...
it's been very long time since the last time i saw it...
shiny and bright full moon,
that makes the sky clear and bright,
together with the sky that full of stars..
the silence of the street,
the windy night,
makes me feel like im the only one that lives in the earth..
i wish i could have chance to see it again..
sooner or later perhaps?

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