Sunday, July 11, 2010

11th July - Investment

recently,there's something that keep buzzing my mind..
it's about investment...
but,it's not about the investment that u all might be thinking..
it does not involve the matter of profits or so watever..
it's an investment about talent..
i've thinking it for some quite of time..
im not sure whether this investment does works or not..
i've thinking of learning something new and special which i really obsessed with it..
before tis,i do think of it before..
but im facing some financial issues on that time..
so,i couldnt walk the talk by that time..
now,since i can handle my financial properly..
i felt that it's time for me to walk the talk instead of talk the talk..
but,support is all i need...
these investment needs big amount of money,
although im fine with it,but my parents wouldn't think so..
they are somehow,old fashioned...
i could rarely discuss with them..
wat can i do is,
waiting for a proper time and try to persuade them...=/

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