Monday, April 12, 2010

12th april - dying/crazying/suffering/rushing

im now blogging using my phone at melati utama mcd..I've been here since (i forget) around 11 or 12 like tat..the reason why im here is bcoz of stupid tamadun islam exam tat i will be sitting just in a few hours time..i came here alone,for the 1st time seriously...all i can say tat,the environment here is much much better than any mcd outlets tat i've been..although it wasnt big,but there's always full of people here..mostly oso tarcian..and the reason why they are here is same as me..last minute study,tsk tsk tsk! Most of them oso chinese,and most of them are holding tamadun islam notes as well..heeee,got teman..=P ever since i reach here till now,i've been drinking 6 cups of coffee..keep i feel,sleepy (obviously coffee doesnt help) and i feel wanna vomit as well ==..but still,i recommended tarcian to come here often if they wanna study..hopefully the exam doesnt kill me tomolo XD..have to continue with my studies =/ nitez

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