Wednesday, April 7, 2010

6th April '10 (freaking long one)

today my class started at 10.30am..and ended at 12...
as this week were the final week for the sem 3..
there's quite number of classmate playing truant..
which leaves the class empty and silence and eventually,it's bored..
no one coming for classes is already bored,wat makes it even more bored is..
it's tamadun islam class..super bored...
have to sit separately with my frens today,as im being kicked off *cry*
just kidding,bcoz the place there's sitting is already full..have to sit with other fren =(
during the class,we're asked to do question about the tamadun china by ourself and we're not "allowed" to refer to any notes or books..
so,we did it by "not to refer" to any notes or books...
and finish,we pass up and it's the end of the class..*yawn*
what makes me sad is..she's (u know la,pandai pandai fikir) not going to attend the following class as she have to celebrate fren's bday today...she didnt tell me about it till before she left the classroom..she called me and said she have to go now...and i asked wat i shud ask,and let her go =(
we supposed to attend the next class at 2.30pm..after she gone,i have no mood to continue the next class...while i was standing with the other fren inside the classroom,
there's a sudden plan of going to cinema tat flash through my mind...and i propose it to them...
i didnt even expect they will excited with the plan,and all of them terus "on"
i was kinda shock at first,they look happy with it..LOL!
and i said that...we sure cant make it for the next class if we decided to watch,i bravely suggest again..."we ponteng OHR la"
den,one of me 38 fren quickly reply.."okok"
den,we're out of the classroom to plan it,as we wanna walk the talk...outside the classroom,we're 85% agree to watch movie + ponteng class...den she(pandai pandai again la) appear opposite of us waiting for her fren..and we tell her that we're going for a movie..=P
she said we fan jian =(
and i quickly run to her and ask thing again(concern her ma) ...before leaving her...ask her to becareful as she was alone waiting for fren tat,den i left her and join my frens again =(
berat hati~
den,as we're walking to the parking lot...suddenly one of us wanna "off" it as she didnt wan to go and she wan to attend class to know our coursework marks...while we walking,one of us tam (pujuk) her to go..till we gonna reach the parking lot there...saw 1 of my gorgeous fren(it's a she of coz) are with her bunch of frens standing and sitting...on the same day,she's oso turn up to be 20 today...(Happy Birthday BeLL!),i walk to her and wish her happy birthday again..(for the 3rd time)..they were oso planning for an outing to celebrate her birthday,so do,we stop by at a bench not far away from Bell and try to persuade another fren to go with us..but still,she insist to stay at college and attend the next,we try wat we could to get her with,we let her go...=(
left 4 of us which is me,vickie,pv,and kc
den,we continue with our plan...get to the car,and head straight to times square...reach there around 1pm and head straight to the cinema counter to buy tickets of "Clash of the Titans"..we found out that there's student price given if we did bring our student and my fren's student id were left in the car,so i quickly run back to the parking lot and get it and run back 10 minutes..try doing it,u'll faint...after i reach there,hand them our student id,and take a rest for a vision wasnt clear at tat time,it was blur...i couldnt see some words and things properly at tat time (my sight getting worse edi)..den,it's our turn and we buy 4 tickets using our student id...normal price was rm11,student price was on,total rm28...darn cheap weih! after buying the tickets,i was kinda shock at the same time as vickie and pv is treating me for the movie tickets as they said they wanna treat me bcoz i drove them here...i refuse to accept it and say next time,they also insist not to accept my,wat to do? they didnt hand out their hands to take the money,so..i have to accept it lor..takkan go stuff in ppl's mouth..den,we have around 1 hour+ before the movie start...go to mcd to have lunch,the queue wasnt long,but there's no seat..full of ah bengs...went to kfc,queue wasnt long too,but alot seats..
after taking our lunch,we still have an hour,went to have a walk...go in from 1 shop to another shop...den the vickie,went in to 1 shop less than 3 minutes..bought herself a belt dao...memang shopaholic...den went to another shop again..she nearly bought herself a vest but too her size...too kurus edi (ridiculous,she gained weight now)...
den when it's about the time,we went to cinema and seated ourself...the movie is at trailer till 3.05pm and the movie starts...
so,the review of the movie...
the movie is somehow,abit related to percy jackson...
it's about war between the gods and human...
quite a long story,doesnt really enjoy the movie..but i enjoy the myth..(interested with greece mythologies now!)
so,i wanna conclude the movie using my own words...

Zeus eventually have sex with other people's wife which is a human and that makes him to have a demi-god son,Perseus....the people's wife that he is playing with was the wife of a King which is planning to have war with the gods..and then,it makes the king irritated and decide to kill his wife and not-his-son together by putting his wife and the baby in a coffin and throw them down the sea....that was zeus sex is :

Poseidon sex story.....poseidon is the brother of Zeus...he eventually raped a beautiful girl at the floor and makes the girl to be cursed(i think) bcoz she was praying to the god while she was being rape by the god...and it makes her to be a creature which is a gorgon named's a snake-human creature which knows how to use a bow...besides,everyone who look into her eyes will turn themself to a stone...

Hades is also brother of the Zeus...he's incharged of the underworld and for sure he didnt enjoy it...and im sure he's a virgin..i think..

so,that's the conclusion i can write..i'll rate the movie 7/10
and,im not insulting the greece mythology as i just roughly said it throughout the whole movie..

and to say the truth...the watching movie session is just ok ok oni..the happiest moment is when we're deciding to skip classes and plan for a movie..that's the best part...
somehow,i didnt enjoy the movie oso..was missing someone badly at that time =(

k la,i know im "abit" too cheong hei for writting so much in the middle of the night..sorry and paiseh...
last 3 words before i end this.."i miss her" =)

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