Sunday, April 11, 2010

11th April - Moody

4.12am - im still here,reading T.India...and i cant get wat it mean at much thing to memorize..the names,argh..difficult...i just simply read through,as i cant memorize a single thing right just not in the mood to memorize anything right now...

i really cant accept the not borned for's just not's too miserable for me..
why? how?
it's the question tat i really wanna ask..
why everything turned up to be something that i doesnt want it to be?
how it happen? it's just too fast for me...i didnt have much preparation for it yet..

im not a proffesional at ending my own misery,i do not know the way to entertain myself in tis situation..
so,im hoping that god do read tis..
please end my misery,i dun care how and what..please end it for me..but please do not hurt anyone other than me..
im going to sleep now,i seriously hope that everything is over when i wake up next morning..=/

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