Thursday, April 29, 2010

29th April 2010 - Sick

hahahaha,expected to sick since few days ago...
and yes,im sick now =)
shud be didnt sleep for the whole night yesterday...
thank god that there's no sound of drilling early in the morning..
if not,i'll probably couldnt get up from the bed..
i woke up at 2pm today,and found that im already sick..
open up the curtain,and found that the weather at the time is best to swim..
so i quickly pack up my swimming trunks and my student id...
head straight to Tarc alone...
after i bought the tickets and start changing to swimming trunks...
the sun started to!
freaking hot,dun feel like swimming at tat time..
but since i already changed to swimming trunks..
quickly have a quick shower and dive in the swimming pool and started to swim from start to the end...
i must be too long didnt swimming,and im exhausted after finish the 1st for few minutes...and start swimming again...
swim for about an hour,quickly take a quick shower and head back home..
reach home for just 10 minutes,change my clothes and go out again...
went to giant with friends bcoz he wanna buy hair dryer...ended up in lepak around the giant and bought nothing..=P
after that,i doesn't feel like going back i followed my fren to the place where they learn's a studio,but wasnt too big at all...
as it was my 1st time at the studio,and not much ppl around...tried to dance simply,as my fren were warming up before the class started...after their sifu reached there,i quickly stop and sit aside..avoid conflict =/
while im at the studio watching them dance,i learnt a few thing oso by just watching them dance...hoho,quick learner =P
at around 9pm,the class finally dismissed and head straight back home...once i reach home,my fren called me and ask me out for a drink...i quickly have a quick shower and change my clothes and flash out from the house,again....
the purpose my fren ask me out for a drink is discuss about job thingy...i supposed to work later at 9am..but after discussion with friends,i doesnt feel like wanna work anymore and refuse to work...and yet,im jobless again...
since im jobless,i asked few of my friends for badminton later at 10am...=)
and that's all...
this is wat sick ppl does....
doing sports for the whole day,
doesnt rest at home,
and blogging in the middle of night,
and need to wake up early for badminton later..
great! fabulous =)

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