Thursday, April 22, 2010

22nd April 2010 - Worth?

juz came back from a drink with friends....
i've been thinking alot recently,and everytime i think is when im alone and when im driving
recently,i've never fetch anyone and so that means im quite a loner tis few days..
that makes me think alot while im driving..
so,that means im not concentrating while im driving..
not concentrating while driving is bad enough..
wat's worse is,i ran over red light for few times without realising it..
not just for once or twice,but few times..tat means x>1 (x= ran over red lights)
i might be lucky to be ok but everytime when i ran over it,i nearly involve into a deep shit..
and im still wondering till now..
what am i thinking that time which almost get me killed?
izit worth to think of some that not worthy that almost took my life?

i think i've to start learning to focus while im driving...
if not,tragic will happen..

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