Wednesday, April 21, 2010

21st April 2010 - boredom strikes

finally,it's what we waiting for and this is all we wanted ever since the beginning of every semester..semester break..
exam's over yesterday,today is the 1st day of the holiday..thought that could have a nice sleep till noon..but,early in the 8..the renovation begins...drilling,knocking and etc...FUCK IT! FUCKING IRRITATING!!
wakes up at around 12.47pm with no satisfaction and head straight to the bathroom and take long shower...after all,the shower aint satisfy me either..the fucking sound of drilling is still on...
have a quick lunch and help my mom with some housework,and straight flash up to my room and start online...
for the 1st hour,i felt uneasy
2nd hour onwards,i felt bored
and the following hours till now, im so fucking bored!

holiday seems to be a word that is pretty excited for everyone..
but when we're on holiday,it's really a curse as everyone started to get bored..
i've been sitting infront of my computer for the whole day,
open and close fb for so many times,
and watching movies that i already watched for 3-4 times..
wat is this la????
i need an outing,
i need outdoor activities,
i need something other than this..
why im always the 1 who being left behind?
why do i always have to be the one who sitting at home,instead of having fun at outside?
and why the fuck i always have to be the one,who SUFFERED the MOST??

all i want is just...
a ...... ......... .... ... ... ....... .... ...'.. ...... .... ..

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