Wednesday, April 28, 2010

28th April 2010 - Bored

final exam already ended for a week now...if u ask me to recall what happened for the whole week...i seriously can list out everything without missing out something..
for the whole week,i've been staying at home doing nothing...especially on the 23rd..
on the 23rd...been celebrating a surprise birthday for vickie..although her exact birthday is on 27th,but we celebrate it early because she gonna go back her hometown...
celebrate it early makes no different,as she said..that's the best birthday she ever had..
there's only 5 of us (pv,hy,kc,kp,and me) who celebrate with her..although there's not much thing we did for her..only treat her for movies,nando's and most importantly,her favourite tiramisu..
Happy Birthday to Vickie once again =)

that's for the 23rd...

well,for the following days..i did the same thing everyday...
i woke up at 12-2pm and i bath,eat and play for a few hours..and sleep again till dinner time,i'll wake up and have my dinner...=(
totally jobless,nothing to sick of it..
i afraid to get bored...especially on the holiday season...i must at least do something...
i will sick if it continues..
and..i dunno wat to write brain is not functioning well lately..

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