Tuesday, April 13, 2010

13th April - combination of yesterday's and today's

yesterday was my first day of final exam..it's tamadun islam paper...was spending the whole night studying it..didnt sleep of coz,till the next morning...and,i look extremely horrible...spend some time to refresh myself..wax-ed up my hair,so that can look more fresh and confident..heeee =P
my friend even said me look good eventhough i didnt sleep whole night...=)

after the signal is given,everyone is rushing to their respective exam hall..wishing each other good luck...after entering the exam hall and choose the seats..quickly open the question paper....
i was totally 'seong che' (something like terpedaya and stunned) after seeing the question...i only study according to the tips given by my fren..well,wouldnt say that it doesnt kena at all...kena at least 90% of it..and the other 10% is the one i didnt read...==

so,i keep staring at the question paper and thinking how to do till we can start writing..which is at 9am...once we can start writing..i quickly start with the essay part as im afraid i gonna forget wat i gonna write...since i do not know the question tat i supposed to do,so i have to do another question which is my Plan B...i didnt study for tat question,but i did read about it roughly...at least much more confident than the one i supposed to do...finish the 2 of the essay question in 20 minutes time...den,went to the 30 questions of MCQ part...from question 1 to 30,was doing it quite smooth...spend at most 20 sec for 1 question and 1 minute for the unsure answer...at least 4 unsure answer...after finish it,roughly check it and hand it the teacher..and quickly went out..it was 9.45am if im not mistaken...quite disappointed with the question,not challenging...but at least worth of spending whole night reading it...

after getting out from the exam hall,i realised that i took something which i does not supposed to take it out which is the empty answer booklet...XD throw it somewhere else..hapuskan bukti..
i also realised that,i couldnt walk at tat time as my vision is blur,hand and leg is trembling at the same time...knew tat something is wrong with me..so,i sat outside the examination block for an hour or more..sambil sambil wait for my fren...cun cun 11 oclock,all came out...happy face,expected...fetch my fren out to her car and den go to JJ to switch to maxis...took me only 10 minutes and have to pay rm1 for the parking,babi!

after that,straight went back home and bath and sleep...from 12.30 to 5...woah,great!
my whole body was wet after i wake up,and i realise im not feeling so good..touching here and there,felt my whole body was quite warm...took out the digital thermometer to see my body temperature..fuyoh,super hot..high fever! didnt take any medicine,just..rest and rest..felt much better now..

and tat was the 12th of april...
for today which is 13th of april..

im now hotlink youth club member! happy with it,4 years of validity...till 2014,even if 2012 does happen,it's still valid XD
just to inform,number is still the same,but my service provider is now Maxis/Hotlink =)
nothing really much happen today..
as usual,missing someone..terrible,haih =(
did i find her today? yes..but still miss her,haih =(
did i enjoy the scene? NO! it's raining,haih! =(

haih,forget it....there's something missing in my life..it's like :

plants without sunshine,
cars without wheels,
foods without taste,
vase without flowers,
dance without songs,
and most importantly,
me without you..

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