Tuesday, June 1, 2010

1st June 2010 - Rumors

recently,there's a rumor in the class that attracts the attention of everyone..
the rumors is about,the relationship im having with ms.V...
everyone in the class though that im in relationship with her..
the reason why they think so is because,
im quite close with her recently..
i sat with her,
lunch with her,
and walk together..
couldnt blame them as we were really quite intimate in this few days..XD
so,i would like to clarify that..
we are actually juz friends,
or maybe to say that,im more close to her...=P
there's been alot of question that i've been received from them about us..
so,stop misunderstanding arr...=D
as wat ms.V said...she oso nid to find bf de le...so,better to keep her name clean..
and of coz,i oso nid to find gf as well de le..=X

refer to ms.V's blog

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