Saturday, June 12, 2010

12th June

pembaca sekalian, =D's 447am in Malaysia,and it's around 6.50am Saturday in Australia...
tat si babi Ms.V already go to trip at Australia for 4 days already...
dunno tat stupid having fun at there or not...
and most importantly..dunno she will remember to bring souvenir back or not :P
she went to Australia on wednesday..tat means she absent the class for 2 days,exlude the lecture..
and i wanna tell her that,i still can so happy without her in the class la...hahahahaha...=P
paiseh la,din reply ur message on the day tat u depart...u know why i didnt reply? it's bcoz the time is 4am something edi,u expect me to reply ar? dream on la si babi.. :P
ok,dun wan talk about tat babi edi..
let's talk about Ms.PV
she's going to Redang Island today,later i guess....
so good le they all..can go for a trip...
i expect some souvenir from Ms.PV oso...
but i dun hope much,even some sand from Redang is enough i guess..
nothing much to say,buai

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