Friday, March 19, 2010


few days back,after i finished my classes and fetch my frens home..
i dun feel like going home early,it was around 2pm that time if im not mistaken..
so,i've decided to go back to my secondary school,as i always wanted to go back ever since the beginning of sem 2,but didnt have time to do so...
and since it's now school holiday,it's the best to go back now to get back some piece of memories =)

when i stepped in the school :

past :
-every step that i took while im still student is full of stress
my mind is keep thinking bout homeworks,test,kerja kursus,and hairs (sometimes oni la)

present :
-the 1st step that i take,is really full of memories...trying to remind back what i did at the corner, at that spot, on that building and so on...

when i climb the stairs for 4-storey high :

-while im on the stairs during past,i cant wait to reach to the top as the stairs is really unstable as the steps is not balance...while climbing,im thinking that why the hell school didn't plan to put a lift or maybe an escalator? it's really tiring,everytime i reached the 4th floor,it's like reaching the top of the mountain...and it took me about only 1 minute to reach top there,wouldnt spend much time at stairs..

-before i take my 1st step up to the stairs,i look properly if there's any changes,perfect...since i have time,decided to go slowly,step by step..wondering alot of things such as "did i fell at here before?", "wat jokes did I listen/tell here?" , "whose butt am i whacking?" (kaihao) ...i smiled,and i dunno why...took me bout 5 minutes to reach top there..(old edi)

when i reached the corridor :

-everytime when i reach the corridor/walkway, it's the time to check out who is absent or present...look into class to class to seek for the truant-player...from one class to another...greeting good morning to those who are not quite familiar and "sohai" to those who are very familiar (guys only)...once i reach my class,checking out whether my best mates is absent/present...but usually he comes,will only know he's attendance at the very last minute...sometimes,i'll just sit at the class waiting my friends to come to me as my class is very hotspot for everyone...or maybe if im just too bored,i'll go to others...when we have enough of's about time for us to stand at the corridor to look for "cars"...the meaning of cars is not looking for GTR,Fairladyz,Mazda or so whatever...the reason we look for cars is same meaning as checking whether the teachers is absent/present....if they're absent,den it's a hurray! if present,get back in and do our homework =( ....ah!not to forget,at 7.20am,we have to stand at the corridor and listen to the bible talk (islam prayers)...

when i reached there,i walk slowly...looking at the classes...empty...from one to another,still empty...stand outside my classroom,the door is locked...couldnt get in, i wanted to get in and have a sit at my old seats,but it's been removed....i can only take a look at my class from the windows...and get to take few pictures...since,it's lock...den no idea,i stand at the favourite old spot that i used to stand last time with my friends...looking at the cars,checking out who's present...and peeking on junior hot chicks..LOL! <--- (kidding eh) standing there,for about half and was so,peaceful....close my eyes,put on my ears...and listen to the sound of wind...imagine back to 2 years ago, the noise of the tables/chairs..the footstep of people...the jokes that my friend tell...and so on...(oh god,my tears is about to drop writing this) at the koperasi : past : used to work at there every morning,eventhough i no nid to work there on that day..coz i hate staying at class...and my life at koperasi can be consider as the part of my happiest life at SMKHC...selling things,updating the stocks,use koperasi as the reason to ponteng happy =)... present: the door is locked,couldnt get in,or maybe see through windows,no anything...juz a signboard writing Koperasi SMKHC....missed that time....

at the perhimpunan spot :

past :
no sweet memories,every monday have to sit there from 7.20 to around was like drying the salt fish...

present :
look at the spot for few minutes,really no sweet memories...hate it...prefer listen to JJ&Ean Gotcha Call than thinking what's the sweet memories at the perhimpunan spot..

there's actually still alot of things and places at the school i wanna write,but i wouldnt do so,as the best memories of my life at SMKHC is at the places above (except for the perhimpunan spot) serious to say,i love the school...not bcoz of the school Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Hillcrest,it's bcoz the memories,the fun,and the friends that i get from there....this back-to-school thing really helps me alot,in recovering back my memories at here,release some of my stress and get to understand few important things..somehow,it's the place where i met her =)

pictures :

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