Wednesday, March 3, 2010

title does not matter,wat matter is just the content

i couldnt stop staring at u,
bcoz i enjoy every single moment tat my eyes is attached with urs..
ur beautiful face are then injected to my brain,
tat makes me think of u at every moment..

i wouldnt blink my eyes,
bcoz i would forgone 0.5 second of time to look at u..

i wanted to text u a message,
but i couldn't do it,
thinking back what happen on that night,
it makes me feel terrible...

wat can i do,is juz wait for urs..
i've standby my phone right next to me,
hoping to receive a message from u,
i've receive message from,
digi,him,her but not u..
hoping ur name will be appear on the top screen of my phone..
but ended up with disappointment...

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