Sunday, January 31, 2010

sem 2 ends,wat's next?

it's been already 3 days since the day i ended my exam on the 28th...wouldn't said that the last paper was terrible...just abit,unexpected and some silly mistakes...anyway,no point to talk about the examination anymore..wat's over,it's over...cant wait to see my result on the 8th of March...Oh yeah btw,on the 26th...there's a birthday surprises for me at times suppose to be a normal outing with friends but turned up to be my birthday celebration..i really didnt expected this earlier as my exam is still on...they ended their exam earlier than me on the 25th which is the day before the celebration...actually,i found that there's something wrong on the night before it and on the day...wanna know how i found out? hehe..stories as below :

1) i supposed to be grounded by 'someone' as my exam is still on...den,the night before it..tat 'someone' text me a message to invite me for outing..

2)den,the 'someone' ask me which movies i prefer to watch...

3) 1 old collegemate suddenly greet me 'happy birthday for 2moro'...i was kinda stunned as my birthday is still far away...

4) on the same day,there's college friend having an outing at the same place...

5)while buying the movie ticket,i didnt use my own money,my fren helped to pay it 1st...when i wanna give back the movie ticket money,she said "later oni count"

6) while we stop nearby a place to eat,my fren said that i shudnt sit on that place,and start from tat moment,my suspicious is now guaranteed..

7) while im eating,my eyes are wild looking at everywhere,as i can feel something's wrong...den,i stop looking for a moment and start thinking wat's going on...

8) just few seconds my attention is away,suddenly i saw 1 bunch of people rushing towards me and they start to sing me the happy birthday shocked and i dunno wat reaction i shud give them...

each and everyone of them bought me muffins and there's total of 7 muffins with 7 candles on top of it...(im 7 years old? XD)...after that,i know that i couldnt stay there edi,and i find excuses to go toilet..i purposely find the furthest toilet around tat place..while im walking,i keep smiling and go to toilet and do wat i supposed to do ( i didnt cry la )...den i go back to them and they said i cried at toilet..==
den,they didnt stay there too long...they decided to go for shopping(college mates)...left me and my friends at there...den when we finish eating and etc etc,they pay the bill and we get out of there...den,i tell them that i need to put the muffins at the car as we still need to walk for a long,we separated and i take the lift to the parking lot....when i entered the lift,i press the B2 floor which is going down,but the lift suddenly went up till the highest level of times square which is 13th floor...i'm a lil bit frightened and i look around the lift if there's "anyone" show out behind me...and hopefully not a girl with white dress and long black hair covered the face lor...den when it reached the highest level,the lift door opened and i saw a woman...fat aunty,work at TOTO walked in to the lift and said "go down hor?" and i replied "ha"...den,i re-press the floor that i wanted to go which is B2 again...reached the floor,walked to my car,and go meet them....
while im walking,i keep smiling as i keep thinking wat happened juz now (the birthday surprise ) till when im at the escalator and my hands is at my pocket....the escalator suddenly stops and i nearly fall backwards...nearly dead there...
den,without contacting them to ask where they are,i went back to the same floor where we separated and start finding them...i walked slowly and smiling all the way till i found them....and they said im crazy for smiling the whole day..XD

walked till around 5.30pm..went back home and tumpang another collegemate back home at "HARTAMAS HEIGHT!"

before end this,i would like to thanks my college mate at the deepest of my heart for giving me the early birthday surprise XD

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