Wednesday, January 13, 2010

crazy? crazier now!

yeah! i doesnt have enough sleep since yesterday...and yet,im still here blogging and the final exam is on the day after tomorrow...but,the first subject is,couldnt be bother...last sem, i never been so crazy to study till the sunrise but now,i dunno why suddenly it gets on my nerves that i suddenly have the mood to stay up till not pretty sure wat i studied for the whole night,but there will be 2nd round for it to have better understanding..
one more thing that im pretty sure is,not just me that is getting crazy,but the whole TARC-ian is transforming to zombie due to the final exam tat we're,to whom that is enjoying their life after SPM now...i would like to say 1 thing which is,enjoy ur life while u college life is really really really stress to be compared with secondary school life...secondary school is nothing!
why i say so? because even "sxhxi" like me dun dare to mess up with the final exam...

hmm,the exam is less than 30 hours away from us...the following 2 weeks will be difficult for me to go worried i'll down before the exam end..may god bless us who is facing the final exam..and goodluck to my friends,stop giving urself pressure...we can do it babe!

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