Saturday, December 19, 2009


recently,i have swinging moods...and im not sure why i have it..
but i can guess it's about the stress im having..
my friends are complaining about it..
and i can feel it im really really too over
i didnt want this..the feeling is like u're infected,and u're gonna be zombie
she says,she couldnt stand it anymore
she says,i have 2 personality
she says,she lose her confidence towards me
i wanna say tat..
im sorry for everything..i really do and im sincere
i'll try my best to manage my stress
i'll change to be better,so that i can regain ur confidence to me
all i need is time and ur support

today,u'll be going for a vacation for a week..and there is difficulty to contact u
so,i shall appreciate this 7 days time to change myself and i wont disappoint u
i promise =)

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