Thursday, January 21, 2010

deadly week

finally,finished the 3rd paper for our final exam which is MACROECONOMICS! 3 down,3 to go...
the following 3 paper is hardest and toughest for me...on this coming saturday (23/1) is the 4th paper which is ITS paper and im thinking how to study as i do not have any reference book,so i think i'll juz rely on the notes given =)
after the ITS paper,the next paper will be FOA on monday(25/1) which is the most feared by me..actually,my final exam shud be ended on tat day,but i have to resit a paper on thursday(28/1) which is,i'll be celebrating the enjoyment 3 DAYS LATE!!! And obviously i'm not happy with this,bcoz my stress level has reached the maximum and i really really waiting for tis to end....and it's approximately 1 WEEK to end! im worry that i'll fall before the exam ends..and today's macroeconomics paper is totally,speechless/no comment! hope to end this quickly before it ends me..

off-topic : did a huge mistake by irritates her which i keep asking her things,makes her pissed sorry for it,yes i do....i really din expect this will happen...what is thinking is my mine is,im just worry bout u..maybe i shud let u do wat tat makes u happy =)
will u forgive me? =/

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