Wednesday, November 2, 2011

first love,first anniversary,first of november


We had go through almost every thicks and thin in these 365 days
Every joy and happiness that we went through is a gift to us
While every sadness we breakthrough, is a reminder to us
But no matter what came to us, I held your hand as tight as possible
Because I will not let go of you easily
As at the moment I decided to hold your hand, that’s the moment I took an oath
It is now my responsibility to take good care of you, provide you with joy and laughter, having me by your side when u needed me and promise to love you forever.

The past is the past,
What happened there,just stayed there.
What matters now is present and the future.
Thank you for everything that u did for me,
No matter what happened, I still have you
I'm glad that I have you actually.
You're always there whenever I need you
You're the best gift ever.

I Love You,
"Love you once,love u still"
"Always have,and always will"

Happy First Anniversary

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

couldn't leave you~

recently during midnight when i'm studying..
i'll keep thinking where should proceed to if i wanna further my studies
i have alot of choices,but
it's the matter of whether i can graduate or not only..
if i can graduate,den it's the best and good news to me and everyone..
i can sure that i wont continue my studies at tarc anymore as adv.diploma it's too tough for me..
so i will be choosing utar..
at the moment,i wasn't sure whether utar at sg.long branch still offer the degree course that i wanted to enrol..
and some said they moved that programme to utar kampar which is very far..
i survey it and found utar kampar is quite a nice's far from the city,kind of village place..
i personally like that place..
but suddenly,i think of her..
if i really went there and study..
we will have very less time to meet..
i will be very very miss her..
the only thing that i couldn't let go is her,my lpz..

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

happy to have you :)

it's been very long i haven write any long essays,
so do blogging..
i didn't know how to start..
out of sudden,
i feel that i'm new for this thing..
it's just like the first day i started to blog..
wrote the title,
start with simple introducing,
and then rub it all off and close the blog..
but then, i realise that if i easily gave up,
i will never ever finish what i started..
so i will try my best to finish it...

as always,
week 14,
everyone are preparing,
and i can sure dying as well..
for a perfect student,this is nothing..
for moderate student, just study..
for poor student, fuck it..
im at the poor student category..
completely hopeless..
i could hardly imagine to go through it..
i know im in deep trouble,real deep..

but,whatever happens on me..
there's still someone who will still care about me..
and that someone meant alot to me..
she sacrifice alot for me..
including her time to study..
studies are important to her..
but she could sacrifice it,
just because i send her a message..
saying that i miss her very much,
and i'll glad if she could spend some time to lunch with me today..
this morning when i woke up,she message me and said she reached my house
im happy to see her, i tot she couldn't make it..
but she make it because of me..
i love her..
she's the best i have..
i promise myself..
no matter how hopeless,how disappointing,how hard the road im going..
i will go through it,as long as u stay by my side..

i don't need a pretty girl to be my gf,
i don't care whether she is rich or not,
i don't care what those filthy bitches and bastards said..
all i wanted is u,
who treat me with your true heart..
and i will give what u gave..

thank you for staying by my side for so long,
and sorry for whatever thing that i make u sad,
no matter what changes happen on me,
my heart will still be same..
love u lpz..

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

to my dear and dearest~

there's a quote saying that
"behind every successful guy,there's a girl" ,
some may agree,but some may not..
and i'm the one who agree about it.

i'm now having the final semester for my diploma,
i couldn't afford for any fail anymore..
not even 1 subject..
if really fail even one subject *touch wood* , i might not graduate on time..
my mom,dad,brother,myself and my dearest darling do worry about it..
none except for my darling that try her best to assist me in my studies..
to say the truth,i will taking alot of papers this semester..
chances to pass all the paper is low..but still,there's a hope..
if only i could wake up now and start everything now..
my darling,she's worrying day and night..
revising all the subjects that i'll be taking this semester,
to teach me so that i wouldn't fail again,
she started to nag me,
giving me homework,
asking me to sleep early,
stop me from lazying..
but im a person who does not really like to be nag..
she knows it,but she still nagging me..
she doesn't care if im mad of her or what,
because all she do is for my own good..
she could stand for it,
she wouldn't mind if i didn't appreciate it.

i think i really shud start waking up,
i shud start everything now,
it's never too late for me..
i still can make the change..
i really shud start doing something so that they won't worry me too much..
i must appreciate my darling very much..
i realise that she's the only one that really stay by my side to support me whenever im in trouble..
she do all she could to help me,
she's really my angel =')

JASON POH! wake up now!
there's no time for u to loose..
stop making everyone around u to worry u..
u're a grown man..
it's time for u to be independent!

to my darling :

bii, promise u too work hard for this coming 3 months..
i wouldn't disappoint u..
i won't waste ur effort..
i always know u nag me for my own good..
thank you bii..
love u always..♥

Friday, April 8, 2011

jason - life as a zombie and vampire

hey there, it's been a long since my last update..
well,if u can see my previous's during the time when im having my 2nd semester exam,
this time,this hour,'s when im having the 3rd semester exam..
well,i dunno why everytime when im stuggling with my studies..
i will start blogging..

to say the truth,im having a real high stress level with me on my back..
and it's friggin heavy..
i may say that my stress level is higher among all my friends and classmate recently..
because most of them have no resits paper to be taken this semester..
all they have is just 2 main papers to sit before..
at this time,
they finished their first paper and they are currently studying for their last paper..
while me,i finished my first paper
and im studying for 4 more upcoming papers..
and there's no much gap between this 4 papers..
so to be simplify on what im talking now, im really in deep shit right now
although im in deep shit, but i cant stop studying..i must continue..
suffering in the short term might brings sweetness in the longer term...

so now, my daily life changed..
i sleep in the noon and night..and i study from midnight to morning..
it's been a long time i never sit together and dinner with my family..
i've not been social much with them..
i wan back my life,i hate studying seriously..

but my life wasnt too bad at all for now,
i have a special someone who been always accompany me all the time..
she support me very much..
she very sek me..
she teach me to study,
she purposely come all the way from her house to have lunch with me..
and she help me massage everytime when i need it the most..
thanks to my baby girl...<3

Friday, January 7, 2011

paper wars

hi,im jason..and im sure that im abnormal now..i've never been normal before actually..
it's now's friday morning today..
everyone loves it...
school kids,
as they can enjoy their weekends..
but,there are also people who is suffering..
which is tarcian from all over the branches in malaysia..
wat are they actually suffering from?
something that is even worse than sickness..
which is,
final examination..
everyone hates it,
no one will ever like it..
studying for final is very suffering,
especially u study with no guidance,
and u study blindly without understanding it..
as u are getting more nervous,the more u forget wat u have learned..
that's the sickness that incur by everyone i guess..