Friday, April 8, 2011

jason - life as a zombie and vampire

hey there, it's been a long since my last update..
well,if u can see my previous's during the time when im having my 2nd semester exam,
this time,this hour,'s when im having the 3rd semester exam..
well,i dunno why everytime when im stuggling with my studies..
i will start blogging..

to say the truth,im having a real high stress level with me on my back..
and it's friggin heavy..
i may say that my stress level is higher among all my friends and classmate recently..
because most of them have no resits paper to be taken this semester..
all they have is just 2 main papers to sit before..
at this time,
they finished their first paper and they are currently studying for their last paper..
while me,i finished my first paper
and im studying for 4 more upcoming papers..
and there's no much gap between this 4 papers..
so to be simplify on what im talking now, im really in deep shit right now
although im in deep shit, but i cant stop studying..i must continue..
suffering in the short term might brings sweetness in the longer term...

so now, my daily life changed..
i sleep in the noon and night..and i study from midnight to morning..
it's been a long time i never sit together and dinner with my family..
i've not been social much with them..
i wan back my life,i hate studying seriously..

but my life wasnt too bad at all for now,
i have a special someone who been always accompany me all the time..
she support me very much..
she very sek me..
she teach me to study,
she purposely come all the way from her house to have lunch with me..
and she help me massage everytime when i need it the most..
thanks to my baby girl...<3

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