Tuesday, August 16, 2011

happy to have you :)

it's been very long i haven write any long essays,
so do blogging..
i didn't know how to start..
out of sudden,
i feel that i'm new for this thing..
it's just like the first day i started to blog..
wrote the title,
start with simple introducing,
and then rub it all off and close the blog..
but then, i realise that if i easily gave up,
i will never ever finish what i started..
so i will try my best to finish it...

as always,
week 14,
everyone are preparing,
and i can sure dying as well..
for a perfect student,this is nothing..
for moderate student, just study..
for poor student, fuck it..
im at the poor student category..
completely hopeless..
i could hardly imagine to go through it..
i know im in deep trouble,real deep..

but,whatever happens on me..
there's still someone who will still care about me..
and that someone meant alot to me..
she sacrifice alot for me..
including her time to study..
studies are important to her..
but she could sacrifice it,
just because i send her a message..
saying that i miss her very much,
and i'll glad if she could spend some time to lunch with me today..
this morning when i woke up,she message me and said she reached my house
im happy to see her, i tot she couldn't make it..
but she make it because of me..
i love her..
she's the best i have..
i promise myself..
no matter how hopeless,how disappointing,how hard the road im going..
i will go through it,as long as u stay by my side..

i don't need a pretty girl to be my gf,
i don't care whether she is rich or not,
i don't care what those filthy bitches and bastards said..
all i wanted is u,
who treat me with your true heart..
and i will give what u gave..

thank you for staying by my side for so long,
and sorry for whatever thing that i make u sad,
no matter what changes happen on me,
my heart will still be same..
love u lpz..

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