Monday, August 10, 2009

jason ohh jason~

10th of August - Monday - 12.50am

piece of advise from me,do not read this week blog as im lack of idea wat to write..

August 4 - get 27 for my ME coursework while the others were all above 30+...there's no rights for me to envy them as i didnt put much effort on it...maybe this 27 doesnt deserves me at all...

August 5 - even the easiest ME oso i get 27/40,wat can i hope from my BMS coursework? and i blanked a 12 marks question,i shud know that there will be no surprise this time..i get 22 1/2 marks for it...the passing mark is 25,tat means i fail for my coursework...tat's not the thing i mad of..the thing tat i mad of is my lazyness dragged me to fail..why i say so? it's because i didnt write the description for X and Y axis at graph....if i did write,i wont fail..totally deserves me right..tai sei la u jason! but there's still a chance for me to pass BMS which is do the correction and pass it up back to my tutor..

August 6 - today after class,went to genting klang to have our lunch at cannes tea house...the reason why i went there is bcoz i watched 1 tv programme bout they bring us around the KL to find delicious food...quite worth it as the food and environment is quite ok...but i wasn't relax during tat time as i parked at an illegal parking...scare kena "roasted beef" ( saman )...i will rate it for 8 out of 10...

August 7 - it's my presentation day for HE about Rukun half prepared for it as i did do a lil notes for it but i couldnt,bring the whole notes while presenting...actually i have to say quite alot thing..but i cut it off and my bm is quite,it only took me few minutes to present....after finish the presentation,relieved a lil bit as the presentation is juz like a burden for me..after finish class,went to JJ's Mcd to have our lunch...

August 8 - at afternoon me and my frens planned to watch movie but couldnt book during night,we went straight to brem mall to check whether there's any ticket but there's none left...den went to another place which is Kepong JJ and it's the same result...ended up to drink at a mamak stall at wangsa maju and went to CC for a while...

August 9 - it's Jennifer's 18th birthday....went to celebrate it at Brem Mall's Wong Kok Char Chan Teng...we got free 1 big jug of drinks because there's a birthday special...after that,we sang birthday song and she cut the cakes and went to my house to continue the celebration...

tat's all i can write,received call from my bro...on duty again...

To : Jennifer - HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY!



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