Monday, August 17, 2009

i'm back!

17th August - Monday - 1.53am

it's been 3 months since i moved to my new house and there's no internet connection here..
finally,my new house have internet connection and i officially online at my own house and blogging at my own,wont be rushing anymore...

13th August - passed up my coursework correction to BMS tutor to let me pass for my 2nd coursework from 11-11.30am..after that,there's an additional class for IA at was quite a rush bcoz it's at different places and it's super,i'm late for the additional class..after that...went to JJ to have lunch with 3 frens...KC wanted to eat KFC,xinni wanna eat food court while me and jenn wanna eat both KFC and food court...LOL! so,we eat KFC 1st while xinni is looking at us as she dont want to eat kfc..after that,we went to food court and order fried rice and this time,kc see us eat..after that,didnt plan to walk anymore and went to car park to take car..while walking,realised that i lost my car key...i remembered tat the last time i hold my car key is at KFC,so i went to KFC to look for it...luckily the KFC's employee did help me keep the car key..luckily i found back the car key if not,i will be slain from my dad..

14th August - after class at 1.30pm,at the very last minute we made a decision to watch movie at TS bcoz KC was emo-ing without any me and jenn have to "tham" him back...during the journey to TS,KC doesnt speak anything at all but he does sing..when we reach ts,we bought 2.30pm tickets for the movie name "On His Majesty Secret Service" starring by Louis Koo..we have around 30 minutes of time to get our,we quickly stop by at duno wat name de restaurant...quickly finish the food and quickly rush to buy drinks and get in the cinema...tat time was around 2.38pm..after we sit down for juz few seconds,the movie started...real ngam..tat movie overall is very funny as the whole cinema can hear KC's laughing sound..few drops of his saliva landed at my hand as well..the movie is funny but a lil bit too childish...luckily the funny scene could help cover tat childish scene..i'll rate this movie for 7 / 10..after the movie,KC was delightful and he probably forget tat he's emoing...after the movie,went back home...raining + jam,reach home around 5pm++..

15th August - wake up early in the morning bcoz it's coco day and i participated for the swimming competition..reach there cun cun 9am and quickly get changed..participate in 2 events..for the 1st event,there should be 7 people to but it turned up to be only 3 ppl at the pool..get 2nd placing for the 1st event..while the 2nd event,there's full 7 people and i get 5th place...too over confident with myself edi,cant believe there's pro...after finish my 2 events,get shower and wait for very very long for the others to finish their events as we dun allowed to leave earlier as they had our id the end of the event,they announce who's the winner by choosing the fastest time...and it's definitely not me..there's only medal for 1st-3rd the 7th ranked...after finish everything,it's around 11am ++ and we're allowed to go home..straight went back home and sleep like no 2moro..

and tat's all for my college week...
before it comes to the end,i would like u all to met my dog which is brought back by my brother from Ukraine..and it's been living with us since the day i moved in...his name is Bobby (Bob) and
it's a Shar Pei's some picture of it..

tat's it and nitez =)

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