Saturday, August 1, 2009

deadly week

1st August - Saturday - 9.33pm

28th July - today is the day that i will present my roleplay during my english tutorial say the truth,im not well prepared as im over confident with my it...i prepared the whole script by myself to avoid having a long discussion with my mates..during the role play,i didnt expect that i'll nervous till i forget my own the end,i ruined it and i'm ready to accept some bad comments about it...i felt very very sorry to my mates..after my english tutorial class eded,went straight to ME tutorial class...we had our coursework(test) during the tutorial class and yet,i ruined it again..tat time,i was very freaking pissed off bcoz didnt well prepare for it..after ME tutorial class,we have half hour of break before our IA tutorial class started..walk around at canteen 1 till the time start..when we entered our class,our tutor asked us to sit with our respective group as we had to do presentation for our assignment..the presentation does not affected everyone as it's simple..after i ruined my both role play and coursework,i ask myself not to ruin it again and luckily i didnt ruin it..

29th July-today is the bms coursework...before that,we have 2 hours of break before it i requested for help from my fren to teach me bms..we find a place to sit which is around the swimming pool area..on that day,i have swimming lesson as well..i was on the afternoon session and i'm watching the morning session student learning..wat is attracting is tat,there's something about the swimming lesson..the instructor is holding a stopwatch and recording something..i knew tat it's related to participation for the swimming competition on coco-day..they sure will choose the fastest person to join,i planned not to swim so fast during my noon wasted me around 45 minutes and i have an hour left to study fren taught me alot but the time wasn't enought for her to teach me more..when the time almost reach 12,we went to BMS class and once we reached there,the exam starts...however,i ruined my BMS coursework once again..i left out a 12 marks question bcoz i dunno how to do tat part..tat part was the only part tat she does not have enuf time to teach me..i felt so f**ked up bcoz i wasted my time to watch the swimming lesson..and seriously,i didnt blame her tat she didnt teach me tat fact,i wan to thx her for helping me out..wat i need now is blessing from the god...after finish my tutorial class,they went for their coco lesson which is table tennis tat starts at 2..while i have to wait for an hour for my swimming 3,i get myself changed into my swimming attire..den,we do wat tat i already expected earlier which is 25m swim with 4 different style and record down the time taken for us to swim...while im swmming,i try my best to slow down as i dun wan to be chosen to join the end of the lesson,the instructor tell us tat he will choose around 5.6 people to join the competition..den,he called out the name..after he called out about 5 people,i was relieved as i didnt heard my name..den suddenly i heard my name which is the last person to be called..i couldn't believe it and i asked him to repeat it and it's really my name...tat time i'm really exhausted and my stress feeling is back again..have to participate at 2 events..

30th July-today's class is from 8-11 which is just,we already planned to go sing k at 4pm...the remaining from 11-3,i bring 3 of my fren come my house since there's 2 of them havent visit my new house...besides that,my house can sing k as tat means,they can warm up 1st XD..den around 2pm++,we're ready to move...reach there around 3pm++ and go to lowyat's red box...den,started to sing lor..we actually gonna sing from 4-7pm...den around 6.30pm,i tell my fren..."faster pick the song tat u wanna sing lor,gonna end soon..." den he replied me "man man lai,still alot time ma..6.30 oni,we already extend it to 9pm" i terus zha dao..
den at 9pm..we straight went back home..since i already moved,so i cant tumpang their car from wangsa maju to sri gombak as the car it's already,they sit lrt to wangsa maju while i stop at terminal putra..i already called my bro to fetch me at terminal putra,while waiting for my potato chips to eat..hehe...

31st July-today,after class at 1.30pm..bring 2 of my fren come my house do till around 6pm den fetch them back..nothing special...

1st August-today sleep till late late,around 1pm++,suddenly got ppl call me and said wanna come my house again for the assignment as havent complete...and yesterday nite before i sleep,she said tat today she couldnt make it to my house 2day for assignment but now,she said she come...not only her,she's with a bunch of fren...after we done our assignment at 6pm++,let them sing k for a say the truth,kc's voice is seriously...gonna break my house XD

and tat's all i can say rite now..whole world is rushing me to yumcha..BYE!


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