Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ignore the title ==

24th June 2009 - 12.13am

i'm really clueless about wat to write at my blog already as everyday is same for me..
it happens again and again and new thing =(
juz to say that,the 4th week of my college is quite busy as everything came to me at the same time..i have to rush assignment as tis week is the deadline for it and yesterday (23th June) is the test for M.E. , and etc better words to describe it other than very very very busy..
and yet,i got sick at the same time....summore hor,dunno which day while im an asshole son of a bitch fed me up..the story is like tis....i was heading straight but i'm at a wrong lane which the lane is for those who wants to turn,i put signal to the left to get back to the lane tat i supposed to car's head is already half out and im ready to turn edi...den suddenly got 1 motorist drive so fastly tat nearly bang my car...summore tat fella still wan show me middle finger when he's ahead me..tat time i freaking dulan edi,i edi aim tat motor edi...den the motorist stop-by at front which is few metres,i opened my window...passby him and he looked at me...i terus shout "FUCK U LA SOHAI" along with my middle's already a fortune for him because i didnt drive 120km/h and bang him..

tats all i guess ==
and 1 more thing,BMS is killing me!


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