Wednesday, May 27, 2009

lecture begins!

27th May 2009 - Wednesday - 2.21am

yesterday was my 1st ever lecture in my college life
there's two lectures 2day which is HE (Hubungan Etnik) & ME (Microeconomics)
HE starts at 8am-9am while ME is from 9am-11am
but duno wat happen,the HE lecturer didnt show for the whole hour,we chat..
oh yeah,im sitting with jennifer and xinni...and timothy as well
at 9am,the ME lecturer reached our hall and the lecture started..
the lecturer is Ms.You Hui Li (if im not mistaken),quite attractive but her jokes really 'cold'
since i have some basics about economics during secondary school,at least i get wat she says as i can surely guarantee 60% of the students in that hall were totally blur...
the lecture ended at around 10.35am
den,xinni said that she have sumthing to do at the library and she have to wait her fren which havent released from another lecture..jennifer and i 'tak sampai hati' dump her alone at there..
so,we wait...wat we're waiting for? nothing actually,juz wait sumthing to happen..
and yeah,the moment came when we saw eric show up and we asked him to accompany xinni =)
so,jennifer and i headed straight to the parking lot and drive back home..
during our journey home,surprisingly..she didnt speak anything and for sure im not used to it
and also,im not having those guts to start conversation with,we shut up from tarc>sri gombak XD..

aiya,later still nid to wake up and attend the lecture at 10am..and yet im still at this bloody page typing things...can't go to sleep,wat to do? wat to do?! =(
k la,gtg....have to lay on bed till i fall asleep

Nitez&Sweet Dream =)

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