Monday, May 4, 2009


4th May 2009 - Monday

let's make it simple shall we ?

-resigned on 30th April
-planned for an outing with friends on 4th May (today)
-woke up at 9.12am (definitely late if didn't received morning msg)
-quickly prepare
-went out at 10.18am
-fetch 3 frens ( jenn,jy,and kb)
-meet another gang of frens in another car (eric,hy,and xinni)
-reach BSN at 10.38am
-BSN run out of SSPN form,went to maybank which is around the corner
-took the form from maybank and head straight to our destination,1U
-reached 1U at around 11.20++
-had our breakfast/lunch first at Wong Kok's Restaurant ( Wong Kok Char Chan Teng)
-meanwhile,another fren ( chee en ) met us at there as he juz finished his class
-finish everything at 1.15pm
-begin our 5 hours of nonstop shopping
-and of course,the guys with the guys and the girls with the girls
-manage to shop for 2 clothes only,cant find bag tat suits me..=(
-contact with the girls around 3pm
-some insist to continue while the others planned to sing k
-so,the group break up again
-kb,chee en,xinni = sing k
-jenn,jy,hy,eric,me = shopping
-after we almost finish explore 1U,meet up with them at neway
-5.45 meet up with them at neway
-plan to sing k till 7
-due to there's an unexplainable things happen,had to leave neway at 6
-leave 1U at 6.20pm and head to Kepong for dinner
-reach there at 6.45pm
-steamboat is our dinner
-thx to our planner,after our dinner at 8.10pm..go for desserts at nearby
-after desserts at 8.45pm,back home luu
-fetch 1 by 1 back home..reach my house at 9.30pm
-after bath 10pm
-online 10.10pm
-since there's nothing to do,lay 0n bed at 11pm
-cant sleep..leg super "shuin" ( kebas )
-11.20pm..received a news from fren,feel sad for her
-till now..thx to my leg...still not sleepy ==
