Wednesday, May 27, 2009

lecture begins!

27th May 2009 - Wednesday - 2.21am

yesterday was my 1st ever lecture in my college life
there's two lectures 2day which is HE (Hubungan Etnik) & ME (Microeconomics)
HE starts at 8am-9am while ME is from 9am-11am
but duno wat happen,the HE lecturer didnt show for the whole hour,we chat..
oh yeah,im sitting with jennifer and xinni...and timothy as well
at 9am,the ME lecturer reached our hall and the lecture started..
the lecturer is Ms.You Hui Li (if im not mistaken),quite attractive but her jokes really 'cold'
since i have some basics about economics during secondary school,at least i get wat she says as i can surely guarantee 60% of the students in that hall were totally blur...
the lecture ended at around 10.35am
den,xinni said that she have sumthing to do at the library and she have to wait her fren which havent released from another lecture..jennifer and i 'tak sampai hati' dump her alone at there..
so,we wait...wat we're waiting for? nothing actually,juz wait sumthing to happen..
and yeah,the moment came when we saw eric show up and we asked him to accompany xinni =)
so,jennifer and i headed straight to the parking lot and drive back home..
during our journey home,surprisingly..she didnt speak anything and for sure im not used to it
and also,im not having those guts to start conversation with,we shut up from tarc>sri gombak XD..

aiya,later still nid to wake up and attend the lecture at 10am..and yet im still at this bloody page typing things...can't go to sleep,wat to do? wat to do?! =(
k la,gtg....have to lay on bed till i fall asleep

Nitez&Sweet Dream =)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Orientation Week - 18th-22nd May

25th of May 2009 - Monday - 3.02am

well,it's already been 1 week since my college orientation day
maybe it's already lil bit too late to write bout it..but still,i INSIST! =p
and yeah,i'll make it as simple as i could coz my english 'tak boleh pakai edi'

On 18th of May there's an orientation day for the new TARC-ian student for the year 09/10
i'm from the SBS ( School of Business Studies ) which will begin at 2pm
since i have the parking sticker ( permit to park inside the college ) , so i had to drive on that day
as it is super-duper difficult to find a parking outside college..
on that day,i had to fetch zy,kc,and jennifer..started to move at 1.10pm and reach there around 1.30pm...
before entering the main entrance of the college,saw alot of people there...probably they juz ended they orientation that time...and we saw alot of people wearing Tarc's shirt and we couldn't figure it out how they get,we ignore it...once we entered TARC,those scenes were like
Fast&Furious-Tokyo Drift scenes when Sean and Twink entered the basement of the parking lot where there's alot of hot babes..after that,i parked my car and meet with the others..
den we had a quite long queue to enter the hall...they provided us an orientation kit,and tarc's shirt and we are supposed to wear it before entering the hall...i was like "wadaheaven,u got to be kidding me" but still,i changed it and they gave us XL size as there were no more small size ==
and yeah,jennifer had to split up with us as boys and girls have to sit at different row and that mean she's alone XD pity her....while im sitting with patrick,kc,kb,and zy
around 2pm,the orientation starts..and the MC show us some video about activities at TARC which is for the freshman ( for us ). The part that i remember the most is when they're playingthe video about college hostel.In the video,there's a tarcian girl which stayed at the hostel introduce the hostel to us about the environment,facilities and so on...the ending of the video is the funniest as the girl said "TAR College hostel is the best" den 1 of my fren,kb said in cantonese "wah,so fake la her" (quite loud) and the front and back row of us is laughing...
den there's another video about the canteen when there's student is trying to praise the canteen..he said "the food is good and delicious,it is the best!" and everyone inside the hall is laughing...den around 3pm,the VIP's arrived at our college to give some speech..among the VIP's,the person i remember the most is Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting..around 5pm,the end of orientation and surprisingly,jennifer got to know a new friend XD.Then, we went to genting klang for some drinks...den go back home around 6pm..

On the 19th of May,went to college again..this time,duno about what...entered a lecture hall and do some activities and talks bout college thingy...almost no memory bout wat happened on that day...skip~

On the 20th of May.....yeah,i ponteng-ed that day...exactly nothing to talk bout it

On the 21st of May,not much thing to talk...went to college as it is so called "COMPULSORY"..
entered the lecture's about teaching us the study skills...from 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm
didnt regret as i happened to gain some knowledge and laughter as well...XD
at 12pm,we have 2 hours of break and we decided to go JJ at nearby to had our lunch there...
if some of u guys know more bout me,u shud know that i happened to work at JJ before..
and after few months didnt see 'her',finally saw 'her' on tat day and lucky im able to run from it XD...den had our lunch at mcd,went back to college at 1.45pm..enter the lecture hall again 2pm and get to survived till 4pm...straight went back to home...reach home around 5pm

On the 22nd of May,went to college to make student ID..after that,went to sing k with 3 frens which is kc,zy and jennifer...reached TS at 10.30am den neway is fully booked and we went to's green box...begin at 11am and ended at 2pm...this time,i finally witnessed the insane singer i ever met,it's KC! really 3 hours of violent soundwave == after sing k,went straight to home..reach home at 3pm

that is all for the whole orientation week..
nitez and sweet dream..=)


Monday, May 4, 2009


4th May 2009 - Monday

let's make it simple shall we ?

-resigned on 30th April
-planned for an outing with friends on 4th May (today)
-woke up at 9.12am (definitely late if didn't received morning msg)
-quickly prepare
-went out at 10.18am
-fetch 3 frens ( jenn,jy,and kb)
-meet another gang of frens in another car (eric,hy,and xinni)
-reach BSN at 10.38am
-BSN run out of SSPN form,went to maybank which is around the corner
-took the form from maybank and head straight to our destination,1U
-reached 1U at around 11.20++
-had our breakfast/lunch first at Wong Kok's Restaurant ( Wong Kok Char Chan Teng)
-meanwhile,another fren ( chee en ) met us at there as he juz finished his class
-finish everything at 1.15pm
-begin our 5 hours of nonstop shopping
-and of course,the guys with the guys and the girls with the girls
-manage to shop for 2 clothes only,cant find bag tat suits me..=(
-contact with the girls around 3pm
-some insist to continue while the others planned to sing k
-so,the group break up again
-kb,chee en,xinni = sing k
-jenn,jy,hy,eric,me = shopping
-after we almost finish explore 1U,meet up with them at neway
-5.45 meet up with them at neway
-plan to sing k till 7
-due to there's an unexplainable things happen,had to leave neway at 6
-leave 1U at 6.20pm and head to Kepong for dinner
-reach there at 6.45pm
-steamboat is our dinner
-thx to our planner,after our dinner at 8.10pm..go for desserts at nearby
-after desserts at 8.45pm,back home luu
-fetch 1 by 1 back home..reach my house at 9.30pm
-after bath 10pm
-online 10.10pm
-since there's nothing to do,lay 0n bed at 11pm
-cant sleep..leg super "shuin" ( kebas )
-11.20pm..received a news from fren,feel sad for her
-till now..thx to my leg...still not sleepy ==
