Wednesday, May 26, 2010

26th May - hi

didnt update my blog for 3 weeks long edi...
i have no idea wat to write...
it must be my "sickness" is getting better and to be cured soon..
great,i love it...
i can see changes in me...
so do others,they like my changes...
the changes that they mean is..
i have a smile on my face,
i looked more active,
im talkative compare to last time, more emo at all..heeeee =P
all i wanna say is,im leading a good life..
im happy with it...
im happy with wat i have,
and strength..=)
i thought i'll have miserable life for a long period of time..
but,it all ended up faster than i thought..
it's all thanks to my friends...
they enlighten me,they bring joy to my life,and they coloured my life...
it's everything in black and white before i met them...
i probably wouldn't get through all these without their guide and support...
i really sincerely thanks them...i love em all~ =)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

8th May 2010 - now i have the mood to blog again

the reason why i didnt update my blog recently is not bcoz im busy or i didnt know what to update,it's because im lazy...
usually,i blog whenever im moody..
i express it all out through words..
so,recently i didnt update my blogs..
tat means im doing quite fine recently..
good thing for me =D
im updating my blog now,
doesnt mean im moody right now..
the reason why i update my blog now is because..
wanna tell some ppl tat IM NOT DEAD YET! =D
im still doing fine,juz wanna share something that i did for the whole week..
last week friday,i went work with friend for just a day as a streamyx promoter..
based on my experience of working,im supposed to be assigned to work at 1u..
but because of my stubborness, i went to carrefour in some place that is far away from the city with my old friend..=D
at there,im not really just wasting my time there...rather than rotting at home..
at the same time,while im working..
i received a sms from fren telling that they're moving to melaka that night..
the night before that,i told them that i'll give my answer about that on tat day,
as i need permission from parents as well..
early in the morning before i out to work,my mom approved my permit..
in the noon,they told me that they're moving at 9pm...but my work shud be end at 10pm..
so,i ask them to wait for me if they can...but they didnt..
nvm,i drive my own car,4 of my friends follow me..2 guys and 2 girls...
luckily,some miracle thing happen and i get to end my work quickly...
at around 11pm,we moved from sri gombak to melaka...
tat was my 1st time to drive tat far..during the journey,we had a great time at the car....thanks to my friend for keeping me awake throughout the whole journey..
we sang,we dance,we laugh,we tell stories,we shout and we enjoyed!
that's the best part for me in that melaka's always the best..
i drive slowly,and we reach our destination around 2 and half hours later...
once i reach there,i put down my bags and greet with my friend's grandma as we gonna stay at there for the next few days..
den,i found a spot that is comfortable for me to sit and rest my head at the table..
im really really tired,especially my neck...
den from behind,there's some1 helping me to massage my neck..
i was shock tat time,i dunno it was who..
till i look behind and it was my fren (lisa)..
i wouldnt deny to have massage at tat time as im really really needed it..
i continue and rest my head while she massaging my neck...
it's really really really comfortable,i cried for it...=D
thanks lisa,really really very comfortable...
den,i quickly take a quick shower and head straight to the bed and sleep =D
to conclude the whole melaka trip..
it was fun,it was the best,i really looking forward for another trip with them..SERIOUSLY!
and that's for the 30/4~2/5 =P

next,it's about ytd...6/5
went clubbing with's been quite a long time since the last time i went to clubbing..
there's around 3-4 months i never been to clubbing already..
ytd i went...and yet....I STILL HAVE THE MOVE! =P
well,i have to admit...i did drunk at the beginning...but tat's just for 20 minutes...
because i keep drinking without moving at the dance floor,dun blame me ==
conclusion from ytd night..awesome!

went for a movie with 2 dearest fren..Lisa&Jess
bought the ticket 1 day earlier and of coz,nice seats...
we watched Ip Man 2...
Lisa thought that she might be sleeping during the movie...
but from wat i saw,she was amazed by tat movie..=P
and yeah,i was amazed by the movie as well...FANTASTIC!
after the movie,went to feeling cafe to help someone to gain some so called "feeling"...
doesnt know if she does...=P

that's all,