Sunday, July 26, 2009

when stress meets tired =|

26th July - Sunday - 2.36am

hi again..quite long din update...wat to do? no internet connection ma
so,wat happen for the past few weeks? erm,oni can be explain if i have more than 3 hours of time
but now,i only have 20 minutes of time as im at my fren house online (zy) and my bro is coming to fetch me in 20 minutes..1stly,i would like to freaking tired with the college life as i didnt drive to college anymore..go by bus + lrt + walk,tats for the tired part...while the stress part is about,beginning with next week..i have to do 2 presentation and 2 coursework,tats for the stress..
on the 28th,i have coursework for ME and presentation for IA and roleplay for the for 29th,i have coursework for BMS...tats all,bro reach


Friday, July 3, 2009


3th of July 2009 - Friday - 2.20pm

yoyo~it's been a long time since the last time i updated my blog..
some of u might know that i already moved and now,my new house doesn't have any internet,cant online lor...sad!not juz tat,the day tat i move is the day tat my hp is dead/spoil! my new home does not far away from my old 1..juz few km,u can ask me out for yumcha as im really really really bored.Now,im at the college library using my laptop to online..too bad cant on msn,only can surf internet...wat im doing at library? discussion for assignment lor,4 of my fren were discussing while im blogging here,muahahhaha! bad me,but seriously..i cant contribute at all as im lack of idea and im blur...all i can do is,become the typist for the team...=(
haih,bored...k la,tats all
and btw,the only way to contact me is call my digi number..bye bye~
