Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ignore the title ==

24th June 2009 - 12.13am

i'm really clueless about wat to write at my blog already as everyday is same for me..
it happens again and again and new thing =(
juz to say that,the 4th week of my college is quite busy as everything came to me at the same time..i have to rush assignment as tis week is the deadline for it and yesterday (23th June) is the test for M.E. , and etc better words to describe it other than very very very busy..
and yet,i got sick at the same time....summore hor,dunno which day while im an asshole son of a bitch fed me up..the story is like tis....i was heading straight but i'm at a wrong lane which the lane is for those who wants to turn,i put signal to the left to get back to the lane tat i supposed to car's head is already half out and im ready to turn edi...den suddenly got 1 motorist drive so fastly tat nearly bang my car...summore tat fella still wan show me middle finger when he's ahead me..tat time i freaking dulan edi,i edi aim tat motor edi...den the motorist stop-by at front which is few metres,i opened my window...passby him and he looked at me...i terus shout "FUCK U LA SOHAI" along with my middle's already a fortune for him because i didnt drive 120km/h and bang him..

tats all i guess ==
and 1 more thing,BMS is killing me!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Jason's Terrible Week - Week 3

15th June 2009,Monday - 3.05am

cant think of any better title..and seriously,i forget wat happened for the whole last week..
so,i only type out wat i remember..

On the 9th of June....shit,wat happened? forget it!

On the 10th of's the beginning week for coco activities...on tat day,we (kc,jenn,zy and me) had to go by public transport bcoz my mom have to use the,we leave at 7.30pm and wait for the public transport...if im not mistaken,i never use the public transport since the day i had my license...on that day at the lrt station,i was kinda shocked bcoz the rules got abit changes but i duno how to explain wat it long as it's complicated and making things more worst...forget bout wat it changed...back to wat i supposed to continue...ok,we sit lrt to tmn.melati and had about errr...0.5km walk to tarc...reach there around 8.20am and our class starts at 8.30am..shud be nothing happen from 8.30am-1.30pm(i guess)..after class at 1.30,i had to break up with jenn and kc as their table-tennis starts at 2pm-4pm while my swimming starts at,tat 1 1/2 hour of time tat i have,i went back home to claim car from my mom...after i have my car,went straight back to college and reach there around 2.45pm...still have 15 mins left,sit at clubhouse till time starts....when the time reached 3pm,there's a guy asking us to give them the coco's paper and our ID card to get our locker...after i get my locker,i quickly get changed and wait at the pool...while waiting,there's a guy request to share locker with me as he didnt bring his id card,so he dun have locker...since my things not really took alot of places,decided to share with im alone at the coco activities,decided to make new frens so that i wont get bored...the 1st 1 who i get to know is the guy who share the locker with me,hehe..his name is kai ming(if im not mistaken),from duno wat mechanical engineering(if im not mistaken oso)...den the 2nd person is oso a guy which i started conversation 1st...his name is...forget == and he's from quantitative survey...both of them oso dunno around 3.15pm,our swimming instructor came and lectured us under the hot sun for around 10 mins...den we jog around the pool for 2 rounds and do some stretching...after tat,the instructor ask us to get in the water...den the coach ask those who knows how 2 swim to go at the other side of pool to learn sumthing more advance while the others have to learn the basics of swimming...although i know how 2 swim,but i didnt go to the know how 2 swim,i stay and learn basics at there till 5pm == after finish the swimming class,went for bath and meet jenn,jy and kc at the clubhouse as they were waiting for me to go back together...

On the 11th of June....started to feel pain at the hands and legs as i too long never do any sports....tat day is only lecture from after lecture....straight go home...den sleep...after wake up..go out till 8pm+ and start doing assignment till 3am

On the 12th of June....have to show the tutor wat i did for the assignment...after showing wat i did,the tutor allow us to leave the class as we done wat we shud..den went to library to sit till around 10++ and went to lecture at 11...tat day,im really really really tired..planned to sleep during lecture but den...tat jenn wanna sit at the front row(the most,most front..infront of lecturer) can i sleep? no idea lor,had to open eyes till the lecture end...after tat,forget wat happen edi...haih..

On the 13th of college but on tat day there's a bbq party at xinni house during night...have massive of laughter there and kinda's the only grouped picture i have

tat's all~
cant memorise much

Monday, June 8, 2009

Life In College - Week 2

8th June 2009 -Monday- 12.09am

it's already been 6 months since the end of the greatest examination in secondary school which is SPM...and now,it's time again for me refresh my mind and accepting new subjects and environment at TARC..

On the 29th Of May,the arrangement of the tutorial group is done...and i was based in Group 1..together with me is KC and Jennifer which is already expected because i already requested,the timetable for my group is quite 'not bad' as there were no break for more than 2 hours until the next class...and there's no class on monday

On the 2nd of June,there's lecture which begin at 10am but on earlier,my fren told me that the lecture and tutorial for IA ( Introduction to Accounting )has been canceled... so...on that day,we juz need to enter tutorial class for english and ME which ends at 3.30pm...on tat day,our class supposely end at 5.30pm but the tutorial class cancelled,so end the english class,our tutor asked us to introduce ourself infront of the class which consist of around 31 students..because there were no volunteer to 1st introduce themself,the tutor randomly picked KC who sat juz beside there he goes,go to the front of the class..introduce himself and another thing requested by the tutor which is the principal of life...after he finished his speeching,the tutor ask him to randomly picked a person to be the 2nd person...and yeah,he picked me but my soul wasn't there and duno wat happen till everyone looked at me..i said 'har?' , and the tutor said 'yes,u...come here and introduce urself'...i was like 'wadahell,i havent think out my principal of life yet leh' but still,i had to go to the front of the class and start introduce myself...i walked from my seats to the front of the class,once i reach the front,i stopped and turned myself to everyone...the 1st thing tat come out from my mouth 'waaaa'...5 seconds later,start introducing myself den principal of life...i remember that i said 'my principal of life is,i wouldn't force myself to do something that i couldn't do but i will at least try' den the tutor said 'tat means,u're a happy go lucky person la?' and i replied 'can say so la,hehe' den i shook my head and smile to the tutor and said 'tat's all'....den i quickly return to my seat and cincai point my finger at someone to be the next victim..XD
den,the tutor ask us to finish an essay in 30 minutes time...the topic is free and i wrote about wat happen during my english class not long ago..the contain of the essay is the principal of life which i was trying to think before i was picked to introduce myself...but at last oso didnt say tat...=/
den,the english class ended and we straight go to another block for ME class...during the ME class,nothing interesting happen..juz i was once again to be picked to write my answer for my tutorial homework...sienzzzz

-to be continued- (go out eat supper with pingwei-1.07am)
2.54am - back from supper with pingwei -going out that time saw a guy which looks like serial rapist,all girls must becareful..especially 'you'-

On the 3rd of June,my class started with english tutorial at 8.30am-10am...cant remind wat happen during the class,forget it....after english class at 10am,the next class is bm which started at,kc,jenn quickly rush to another block for it...and yet,we dun have the map with us as jenn's map is not with her and i didnt bring mine as well while kc couldn't find we walk with no direction till kc found his map == after 10++minutes of walk..finally we reached the destination,but before we enter the class,we met our classmates and they told us if our bm get credit in spm,den we automatically exempted from bm..den we have around 2 hours of break before our next class which is at,we went 'lepak' around at the college and stop at canteen 2 for toilet...while kc and jenn went to toilet,i stand at outside waiting for them...after they came out..we planned to 'lepak' at library...after few steps away from the canteen 2's toilet,i heard someone calling me at the i stopped and look behind,it's bell calling me and i was kinda shocked...i almost forget wat we talked about at the 1 minute of conversation and how we end the conversation?i oso not very sure..den continue with our plan,go to library...around 11+ we leave the library and walk to the other block for the next class at 12pm and ended at 1.30pm

On the 4th of June,there's nothing bout tat day as it's only lecture for 2 subjects at 8am-10am and 10am-11am..den go back home...cant remind wat happen (memory leakage..poor me)

On the 5th of June(wah,this day kao lat la i tell u),refer back to 2nd of is the replacement for both lecture and tutorial for,we have to stayed at college till 7pm...
on that day,our class started at 9.30am till 11am den lecture from 11am-1pm...supposely can back at 1pm,but got tutorial class replacement from 2pm-3.30pm and lecture from 5pm-7pm..
during the tutorial and jenn finally witnessed the 'keganasan' of Ms.Lim Hooi Hoon,our IA tutor and oso lecturer...coz we didnt finish our homework,although she didnt or maybe haven't started to scream at us,but her 'no next time' these 3 words really horrible...after the tutorial..we have around 1 1/2 hour of break before the lecture we 1st went to library to do homework,after finish our homework..still got around 1 hour left,so we went to canteen 2 for some food...coz tarc's canteen food is well-known for its 'cannot eat' food,i sms-ed bell and asked her 'which stall she recommended the most' and she reply 'chicken rice' i go try the chicken rice there lor..let me explain the appearance of the chicken rice,the rice is white rice..abit unacceptable bcoz i used to eat chicken rice's rice(swt? i mean the kinda yellowish tat kind of rice)..ok,the chicken....the chicken doesn't look like a chicken,even the taste's more to 'char siew'(pork) to me...== on tat moment,i started to realise secondary school canteen's food is better than tarc...LOL! cant finish the rice,only can finish the so called chicken but also secara 'kak ngang' ==
after tat,went to lecture class till 7pm..fueh~tired dao!

later no class..
but still,have work to do =/ to go now~
nitez and sweet dream =)
