Sunday, March 15, 2009

my first time

15th March,2009 . 1.03a.m . Cloudy -

finally i created this blog! XD
thx to patrick for some guide to create this blog..
why i created this blog?
it's because i dun have a punching bag..
there's no other way for me to express out my feeling other than typing..
so,comes an idea of creating this blog and here i am!
since im new here and not used to it,i guess i'll have to start my blog with my daily's routine..

yesterday(saturday) went to work at 9am as usual at selayang..luckily it was saturday as i only work for half day only till 12.30pm...met alot of "ma fan" customer,and i get scolded by customer tim! it's totally none of my business as it was the celcom's server fault and i get scolded for nothing! super "bo song" and "mm dai"...but i still talk nicely with the customer as i'm still new the end,thx to sunny(my female colleague) help me with it...

it was already mom come fetch me at work place but not going back home yet...go look for house as i'm moving yet to be confirm..around 1.30pm oni reach home...quickly go bath and eat...den online till around 3pm,go sleep....sleep not even an hour,my mom wake me up,go see house again...but this time was with my dad...i was like "WTF?!" coz im really sleepy and my mood was bad...once i get in the car,and my dad started to scold me about my spm usual lor,dun wan listen wat he say as his words were not good to listen...
den back home again at movie + online as i cannot sleep again...

around 10pm...i was chatting with group of frens at msn about going to TARC open day on sunday...yea,this is the part that makes me fed up with them(some but not all) was a long story and i'll jump it to the part tat i dislike the most....when i'm asking whether he's going to tat open day or not ( i marked tat guy as A ) and he replied me if she got go den he'll go ( i marked tat girl as B ) ...yea,it's not the first time he said that...the thing tat i don't understand is...WHY THE HELL THAT 'A' COULD NOT MAKE HIS OWN DECISION AND MUST FOLLOW 'B' ??
i was totally pissed off and ignore the whole i didnt reply any msg from them for a while,suddenly i explain something to them...tat 'B' straight shoot me with some words...and it's the end of the conversation and i was totally pissed off that time..

phewwww....tat's it for today i guess =/

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