Tuesday, May 24, 2011

to my dear and dearest~

there's a quote saying that
"behind every successful guy,there's a girl" ,
some may agree,but some may not..
and i'm the one who agree about it.

i'm now having the final semester for my diploma,
i couldn't afford for any fail anymore..
not even 1 subject..
if really fail even one subject *touch wood* , i might not graduate on time..
my mom,dad,brother,myself and my dearest darling do worry about it..
none except for my darling that try her best to assist me in my studies..
to say the truth,i will taking alot of papers this semester..
chances to pass all the paper is low..but still,there's a hope..
if only i could wake up now and start everything now..
my darling,she's worrying day and night..
revising all the subjects that i'll be taking this semester,
to teach me so that i wouldn't fail again,
she started to nag me,
giving me homework,
asking me to sleep early,
stop me from lazying..
but im a person who does not really like to be nag..
she knows it,but she still nagging me..
she doesn't care if im mad of her or what,
because all she do is for my own good..
she could stand for it,
she wouldn't mind if i didn't appreciate it.

i think i really shud start waking up,
i shud start everything now,
it's never too late for me..
i still can make the change..
i really shud start doing something so that they won't worry me too much..
i must appreciate my darling very much..
i realise that she's the only one that really stay by my side to support me whenever im in trouble..
she do all she could to help me,
she's really my angel =')

JASON POH! wake up now!
there's no time for u to loose..
stop making everyone around u to worry u..
u're a grown man..
it's time for u to be independent!

to my darling :

bii, promise u too work hard for this coming 3 months..
i wouldn't disappoint u..
i won't waste ur effort..
i always know u nag me for my own good..
thank you bii..
love u always..♥