Saturday, October 30, 2010

30th October 2010



Tuesday, October 19, 2010



Wednesday, October 13, 2010

13th October - struggling for nothing

last week, i get to know my results for my exam..
i may looked calm and no worries a day before that..
but im actually very worried..
i didn't take my nap during the noon and play badminton during the night..
trying to make myself tired and try not to think about it..
that night,i get to sleep early..
first thing early in the morning,i went to college an hour earlier..
as there were transportation problem,i went out earlier..
went to library and saw few peoples checking their results..
and some of them even scream at the library..
i watched their happy faces,at the same time im worrying myself as well..
i think of checking my results after my class..
but i've decided to check it earlier...
once i see my result,i just couldn't accept it..
i thought that it was just a dream,and i wish to wake up quickly..
as it's really a nightmare..but then,i found that im in the reality...
the nightmares is hunting me down again..
my result is really unacceptable,it's the worst result i ever had in my life..
everyone do have limit in whatever thing they matter in terms of smart and stupidity..
i do have my limit of stupidity,but this result im really beyond my limit..
i couldn't react,speak nor eat right after i see that result..
it's almost the same result that im having last year..terrible..
but i manage to bring it up my result last year during my semester 2 examination..but it's really difficult to do so..
now,i have to do it all over again..much more effort to put in now..
i can't afford for another result like tis again..
i always thought that my result is improving all these time..
but now it seems like im still me..i wont improve after all..
alot of my friends also unsatisfied with their results..
i wish i can comfort them,but i not better than them..
right after that day,i felt that i no longer have interest to continue my studies..
i really do put alot of effort on this time exam..months of sleepless night..
ended up with bullshit alphabets..
i always thought long as i do try my best and hardworking,then i might get good results..but now i seriously doubt it..
im really struggling right achieve something that is unachievable..
i just wished that i could back to the past..
the past that i mean wasn't just back to few years ago,
but the past i mean is that right before i was borned..
i wish to stop my parents from bringing me to this world..